Dr Mark Hyman explains the myths about the health benefits of milk & what lifestyle aids in calcium loss

“In one study they’ve found that those who drink more milk had a higher risk of fractures. So, that is a bit concerning to me. Also, it’s good for kids, right? We now force kids to have milk. If you want to have a school lunch program, you have to serve milk. And most of it is sugary milk which is basically like a soda and milk together. And it’s mandated by the government that in public schools we have to have milk. But you know, the schools can’t have their federal school lunch money unless they give every kid milk.

But there’s no evidence that it’s true. In fact, they’re also giving them low fat milk which is even worse because low fat milk actually causes them to gain more weight because it makes them not feel satisfied or full from the fat.

Also, milk is a lousy source of calcium. The studies are pretty clear on this. There’s nothing really special about dairy and bone health. In fact, ‘vitamin D’ that you get with milk – that’s added to the milk, it’s not actually naturally in milk believe it or not. They put it in there to prevent rickets which is a good thing but still, it’s not where we get vitamin D. The amount of calcium everybody needs is actually far less than the levels recommended in the United States. It’s not actually the total calcium intake that matters but how much you actually keep. For example, in Africa they might have 300 milligram of calcium intake in their diet but they have very good bones and strong health but they only lose maybe 200 milligrams of calcium so their net is a 100 milligrams of calcium a day. Whereas in America we may take in 1500 milligrams but we might lose 16 or 1700 milligrams because of all of our bad habits for example if you smoke cigarettes, if you eat sugar, if you drink soda which has phosphoric acids which it’s like leeches out your bones.

I was buying some ribs for a barbecue I was having the other day at my local butcher and I said well, how do you kind of make them, what do you do? He says well, first you’ve got to soak the ribs in Coca-Cola. And I’m like, what? He said yeah, because it helps dissolves the fibres and soften up the meat and get it off the bone. I’m like wow, ok, I don’t think I want to do that.

Also stress causes you to lose calcium. Caffeine. Alcohol. Excess salt. All cause us to lose calcium. We’re doing a lot of things plus being sedentary causes us to lose calcium. So we’re living a lifestyle that causes calcium loss. We need to stop that. We need to also think about not just how much we’re taking in but how much we’re losing. Next we need to think from where can we get calcium from other diets beside milk.”

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