Dr Mark Hyman concluding information about dairy

“Now, I don’t really recommend eating much of cow dairy. There’s an important thing to recognize.

There are different kinds of casein in dairy products. There’s A1 casein, A2 casein. Now A1 casein is what most modern cows have. This is an inflammatory form of casein – that’s the protein in milk. And that tends to be linked to more of the issues around milk. A2 casein is more from the heirloom cows – I think Jersey cows have more A2 casein and there are dairy products like ice-creams and others you can get from A2 cows but they’re really hard to find and that’s better for you.

But goat and sheep dairy products are far better tolerated; have less inflammatory potential and have primarily A2 casein. So I’d encourage people to switch over and I, for example, I can’t tolerate regular dairy because I get congested, stomach issues. If I get goat or sheep I’m fine. Goat cheese, sheep cheese, goat yogurt, no problem. So, cow milk can be very inflammatory, can cause eczema, allergies, gut issues, acne because this A1 casein. But if you switch to goat dairy it’s better and it’s better tolerated. Also, goat milk has a high level of medium chain triglycerides which help metabolism, brain function, has higher levels of Vitamin A which is great for your skin and people have more A2 casein tend to not have that much the GI symptoms, have less inflammatory bar markers, have better cognitive function. So goat and sheep can be a better alternative.

So, what should you look for when you’re buying dairy? Well, make sure you look for certain certifications that make sure the animals are produced in an ethical manner – Animal Welfare Approved, Certified Humane, American Humane Certified, Food Alliance Certified, Global Animal Partnership. These are ways to sort of, you know, find sources of dairy that are better for you.

So what is possible to eat for dairy? I recommend that people avoid for the most part cow dairy unless it’s A2 cows, and even then some people still have some trouble with cow dairy. If you want to have grass-fed, full fat, unsweetened yogurt, that’s okay. Ideally sheep or goat is better. Kefir is another way to have a dairy product. You can get goat or sheep kefir. Whole milk grass-fed cheese. Again, better goat or sheep with no additives. Grass-fed ghee butter is fine. And if you can get them goat or sheep, I highly recommend that.

What should you avoid? Well, dairy from conventionally raised cows. Skimmed milk. Low-fat milk. Low-fat yogurt. Non-fat yogurt. Yogurt that has sweetener additives or anything extra. In fact, did you know that a sweetened yogurt has more sugar per ounce than a can of Coca-Cola? So, it’s really bad for you. Don’t have that thing you think is healthy which is your sweetened yogurt in the morning. Avoid the cheeses and so forth made with skimmed and reduced fat milk. The fat is actually the good part. Also, no processed cheese. I mean it’s not even called cheese. I mean there’s something called American slices. They can’t call it cheese because it’s less than 50% cheese. It’s a cheese-like substance. And obviously, don’t eat cheese that come in a spray can or a squeezed bottle or some weird industrial cheese product.

So, anyway, that’s the story on dairy. Definitely don’t need it. If you want to consume it, try sheep or goat. Realize it’s not nature’s perfect food. It doesn’t help your bones. It may cause cancer. And there are a lot of reasons to just avoid it. So, again, sheep or goat is fine. Try it and see how it goes because your body is the best indicator. See what works and what doesn’t. Your body is the smartest doctor in the room.”

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