Disney – another great deception of the Illuminati

“For years, I have heard many Americans say that something is terribly wrong in this country and that things are ‘going to pot,’ and yet Americans can’t put their finger on what exactly is wrong. When I first began to receive reports from victims of Illuminati mind-control about Disney’s involvement in their mind-control, I kept an open ear, but I wanted some tangible proof. After investigating for myself, there is now no doubt in my mind that Disney (the man, the movies, and the entertainment parks) has been a major contributor to the demise of America, while maintaining a very well constructed front of wholesomeness.”

In this series, “you will learn why Disney is one of the best deceptions of the Illuminati.” Fritz Springmeier “has read a very good portion of what is available to the public concerning Disney. This expose is undoubtedly the deepest on Disney that has ever been done. Perhaps part of my motivation is that I’m tired of Christians talking and acting like Disney stands for sainthood. Christians, who should have known better, are some of the one who have swallowed ‘hook, line and sinker’ the enormous deception that entails Disney. They feed their children a steady diet of occultism and witchcraft because they have been programmed to think of Disney as wholesomeness and everything that is good about America.

Many writers over the years have tried to expose Disney, most have been stopped before they could get their books published. The few authors who have managed have faced vicious attacks on their character and integrity, and have faced enormous struggles against public relations campaigns paid for by the Disneys. The Disney’s power, and the power behind them, has frightened most people away from challenging them. But someone needs to speak on behalf of the victims. Whether anyone listens or not, the victims will know that somebody cared enough to stand up and write the truth. Disney has not only left mind-control victims in its wake, but they have harassed land-owners, stolen employee ideas and left all kinds of hurting victims in their path. Disney has risen to become the unquestionable largest media-entertainment conglomerate in the world, and was ranked company no. 48 in the top 500 companies by Forbes 500.”

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