Disney and Madonna

“Roth oversaw Disney’s subsidiary Hollywood Pictures’ Evita film. Evita has its main start ‘Material Girl’ Madonna. Madonna is in reality a mind-controlled slave who has appeared in numerous underground porn and ritual porn movies. (This author has an underground catalog from a porn business, that has recently changed its location of business. The catalog offered a film of Madonna performing an actual blood sacrifice). She also was the main actress in Disney’s Dick Tracy film which is reported to be used for mind-control. During an Arsenio Hall show, Madonna, who was a guest acted dissociative, was picked up by the cameras during the show kissing her Baphomet ring. Disney controls products that are associated with the movies of their subsidiaries.

In Evita’s case they are marketing hats and other items, as just one more of Disney’s countless artificially generated bored with plugging Disney’s consumer products. When asked about the tango dresses and hats inspired by Evita that popped up in stores after the filam, Madonna said, ‘Believe me, I have nothing to do with it. Disney is pushing the whole thing’ (San Francisco Chronicle, 12/29/96, Datebook section).

In one interview Madonna states she wants her daughter to group up knowing Catholicism, but she doesn’t believe that it would be good for her daughter if Madonna married the father of her child from Lourdes, Carlos Leon. In another interview, Madonna says, ‘Actually, I’m a very good role model, because I say, look, these are my standards..’ She then goes on to plug homosexuality, same sex marriage, and single families in the interview. Walt Disney stated that it plans to release an album by DANZIG, a heavy metal band whose songs contain ‘dark themes.’

The Disney press release announces on its by-line ‘Mickey Mouse is going heavy metal.’ Disney’s album ‘Black Acid Devil’ was due to hit the music stores on Oct. 30, 1996 during Halloween time. According to Disney this music has no satanic references, but does have ‘dark, Gothic and sexual’ overtones. Glenn Danzig denies that he is a satanist.”

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