Disney: an Illuminati front – the friendship between Freemasons Walt Disney and Ronald Reagan

“Walt Disney worked very hard at maintaining a great image for himself and his company. An example of this, is how he exploded in rage and wrote an angry memo when a Disney character was placed in a beer ad (Memo mentioned in Thomas, Bob. Walt Disney An American Original. Hyperion, 1994, p. 7). He had a personal image builder, Joe Reddy, who worked full time to build Walt’s image. Joe Reddy was a cigar-smoking Irishman who loved the catholic college Notre Dame’s football team. He also was a publicity agent for Shirley Temple. But the Disney deception entails far more than Joe Reddy’s decades of image making, and Walt’s own abilities to create good images of himself. Just as with Billy Graham (see Vol. 2 about Billy Graham), the entire Illuminati threw their weight behind promoting Walt Disney. Ronald Reagan and Walt Disney were good friends and both cut from the same dye in many ways. Both men were high ranking Freemasons, both came from socialist backgrounds (Ronald’s mother was Eleanor Roosevelt’s best friend, and Walt’s dad was a socialist leader), both were paid FBI informants, and both were involved heavily in the abuse of mind-controlled slaves. Walt always generously supported Reagan’s political campaigns, and in turn Reagan did political favours for Walt as Government of California. For instance, Disney’s Mineral King mountain resort needed an access route through the Sequoia Nat. Park at a time when there was lots of congressional pressure to preserve the last stands of redwoods. Gov. Reagan got his friend Disney his road through the park.”

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