Disinformation through the MI6 (MI-6] – Military Intelligence Section 6

“A force” was MI-6’s group that carried out deception. They would have their double agents pass out CHICKEN FEED (which is what they call classified information that can be thrown out to the public) to establish their double agents’ credentials (BONA FIDES) as agents against the British. Today, there are numerous anti-NWO people who are actually double agents. They are distributing chicken feed to make people think they are legitimate. By the way, it is interesting to note for those who realize how important carousels are to programming that MI-6 (HO in Vauxhall Cross, Eng., with a training ctr. at Monckton, near Gosport, so. Eng) is nicknamed (actually it’s cryptonym) ‘Carousel’ by its daughter organization Mossad (officially aka Central Intelligence Collection Agency).

MI-6 [Military Intelligence Section 6]

An example of a double-agent who is popular among Christians is an Illuminati witch named Gretchen Passantino, who tours around to Christian conferences belittling the idea of mind-control. Dr Loreda Fox reports in The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of MPD that 74% of women abused by SRA come from ‘Christian homes.’ The Christian churches are heavily infiltrated.”

Highly influential evangelical apologist Gretchen Passantino [died in 2014]

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