David Icke – a counterintelligence operative pied piper leading people to massive confusion

Before we go through what Alan Watt had to say about David Icke, and Alan Watt was always on point, so much so that he was never given publicity and who ‘died suddenly’ in 2021, let us see who is David Icke.

David Icke is a former football player and sports broadcaster from England who believes in conspiracies, and let me tell you dear readers, his stories are truly what one can define as conspiracy theories. Since the mid-1990s, he has written and self-published more than 20 books and given speeches in more than 25 nations. And this is enough to know that he was not promoted and given publicity just like that, for nothing.

So here come the fantasies: When Icke saw a psychic in 1990, the medium informed him that he had a mission here on Earth and would be receiving communications from the hereafter. This prompted him to declare himself a “Son of the Godhead” in 1991 and predict that earthquakes and tidal surges would soon destroy the planet. He said this again on the BBC program Wogan. There was public mockery due to his appearance. Over the course of the following 11 years, Icke authored books that solidified his theory of a New Age conspiracy. His then-publisher declined to publish more of his works when he supported the antisemitic hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in The Robots’ Rebellion (1994) and And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995). Since then, he has self-published.

According to Icke, infinite dimensions and “vibrational” energy coexist in the same space across the universe. He asserts that the Earth has been taken over by an extraterrestrial species of reptilian creatures known as the Archons or Anunnaki. The Babylonian Brotherhood, Illuminati, or “elite” are a genetically altered human-Archon hybrid race of reptilian shape-shifters, and they control events to keep people afraid so the Archons may feed off the “negative energy” that results. According to him, a number of prominent people are members of the Babylonian Brotherhood, which pushes humanity in the direction of a worldwide fascist regime or New World Order—a post-truth age that outlaws free expression.
He believes that awakening to the reality and allowing love to fill one’s heart is the only way to overcome such “Archontic” influence. So, the slight truth he is giving here are the New World Order and the Illuminati/elite/Babylonian Brotherhood. As for the rest dear readers, the Archons or Anunnaki and shapeshifting reptilian and the rest, just please throw in the bin. But you should feel good to know that the Illuminati exist, because since such a prominent figure like Icke, with millions of followers, talks about them, then it means that he was given the nod from them.

Here is what Alan Watt had to say about David Icke:

So many people…they follow…the patriot-type things… a lot of them are phony, I’m afraid to say. They don’t give them all the real information they need to know…they’re so confused. They’re following different types of gurus like David Icke…that lead them out in circles. I’ve never seen so many confused people in my life, really…

Caller: “I heard a really interesting story, actually, I don’t know much about him but I’ve seen a bit of his material and when he got into the shapeshifting lizards and said that with a straight face, you know, I found it very hard to believe that there are individuals who are truly shapeshifting lizards.”

Alan Watt: “The key behind this…this is something people should realize: MI5 and MI6 have a place outside The Cotswolds – it’s called The Cotswolds, outside London – where they train people to go out into the world and create mysticism and confusion. And Aleister Crowley was one of the first men they sent out there to set up the OTO, The Order Templi Orientus, a higher Masonic group, which most people in Hollywood join and most musicians join, and they followed him [Aleister Crowley] up with many others, since.

Now David Icke took everyone else’s work – who’d done the real investigations. He shot to the top. All the doors opened for him. You couldn’t buy that kind of publicity unless someone gave the nod at the top. It costs millions just to publicize him and he became a superhero, leads all the people using all of this information of other authors, and then leads you off like the pied piper in a circle to the lizard people, and all of those authors in the backs of his book are now ridiculed into the same place that he’s taken you: that’s called ‘counter intelligence’…

I’m sure he knows exactly what he’s doing…he phoned…years ago…and then got in touch with me for a lot of information that he used…it didn’t matter. He did it anyway.”

Alex Jones of Info Wars and David Icke – Pied pipers promoting each other
Aleister Crowley
Aleister Crowley
Pied pipers promote and side with each other. Here is he promoting the freeing of Julian Assange – which is truly, another psyop.
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