China has been the world’s largest consumer of industrial robots and is increasing the production of its own every year

Who do you think is leading the world when it comes to robots? It’s China of course.

Beijing hosted the World Robot Conference 2022. “Due to the pandemic in China, only Chinese robotics companies were represented offline. The rest of the world joined online, but as always, there was something to see at the Chinese stands.”

Watch the below footage to have a look at China’s largest robot exhibition. In this way, you will understand that “the Chinese Robotics Market is developing more rapidly. The country has been the world’s largest consumer of industrial robots for 8 years in a row and is increasing the production of its own every year.”

In the exhibition, “there were many industrial and medical robots, robots for logistics and agriculture, and construction.”

“The Chinese developer of humanoid service robots and face recognition systems, Cloud Minds Technologies, brought Cloud Ginger XR1 which entertained the visitors of the exhibition with dances”. It can listen, speak and move and even drink. “The scope of its use is quite extensive from education and care for the elderly to service in a hotel, business centers, participation in advertising and promotion, mass promotions and entertainment shows.”

“One of the brightest boosts is with X robots which is a leader in the research and development of China’s intelligent humanoid robots and also maintains a leading position in the world in the production of bionic skin and the ability to mass produce bionic robots. The company combined humanoid robots and metaverse technology to create the Science and Technology Museum of the future X project.”

“Another robot, according to the developers, was created in order to understand human emotions and act accordingly.” These are the anthropomorphic X robots which have up to 140 degrees acts of freedom throughout their entire body and are equipped with an independently developed robot operating systems.”

In the exhibition, there was also the underwater bionic robot, shown by China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation, which is mainly used to popularise scientific achievement.

Another company presented a show of over 100 dogs which are used for research education, entertainment and accompaniment. They can be guide dogs and keep lonely elderly people company and guard them. Medium and large dogs are mainly used for patrols of inspections in petrochemical plants and power plants.

Another company presented robots that can perform tasks with one arm and other tasks with two arms simultaneously like a human does. These robots can move around and avoid obstacles and is equipped with a voice module which gives it the capabilities of voice interaction and visual perception.

Curious solutions for Logistics and Warehousing were exhibited by another company which introduced Smart Solutions for Sorting and Delivery which included its independently developed unmanned delivery truck of the new generation with a payload capacity of 150kg, 540litres and the ability to cover 120km on city roads on one charge. This company also organises regular deliveries of groceries and ready-made food by autonomous robots which are now operating in Beijing and Shenzhen. Thus, here you have an example of unmanned couriers.

Another robot by another company was exhibited. This robot is resistant to high temperatures and can withstand ten minutes of an environment with temperatures up to 350 degrees Celsius. The fire brigade at an inspection can first launch the robot into a building to inspect the fire, assess the degree of structural damage and flame spread and determine the vital signs of the people inside. It can also be used in environments for toxic gases. So this company was the first to market a firefighter robot that can withstand temperatures of 1000 degrees Celsius for half an hour. This has been used by Chinese emergency services for several years.

At the fair there were also many industrial robots like ones for the production of automotive battery components.

Direct Drive brought to the exhibition a mobile two-wheeled Diablo powered by direct drive motors. This Diablo combines the characteristics of a traditional wheeled and a multi-leg robot. It is so quiet that it can be used for patrolling any conditions by adding the camera.

Beijing Institutes and Developments showed a bionic arm, a jumping robot dog, and an anthropomorphic robot which can run and jump.

Beijing Surgery and Technology presented a robotic surgical system at its booth which was the first in China to undergo a special inspection procedure for innovative medical equipment in its category. The operating surgeon would stay at the console and remotely controls a high-resolution electronic endoscope and surgical instruments. The system allows for minimally invasive operations on various internal organs of the abdominal cavity.

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