Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel explains the Book of Revelation verses 4 to 8 – Jesus Christ is the ruler of every king of earth. What happens to a nation that denies Him?

“I have so many young men and women here. I was your age and I lived in this country. You may say ‘I come from the middle east’. Yeah, I was born in Iraq, the land of the Mesopatamia, Beth Nahrain between the two rivers, Tigers and Euphrates. I’m proud of my heritage. I’m proud where I come from. But, I thank the Lord for Australia. I was raised most of my life here. I lived my teenage life in Australia, not in Iraq. So, I know what Australia is all about. I know what Australia offers because I’ve done it before you, I’ve lived it. I know exactly what you guys go through. And I know how difficult your time and age is. The problem of our time and age is one thing: freedom is misinterpreted and misdefined. They may encourage you, and please pay attention, I may stop here, I won’t go any further because I really want to get this message across to you guys. It is coming from someone who lived your life before you. And I’ve passed the stage and I know exactly what awaits you.

We are living at a time and age where freedom is misinterpreted and misdefined. A government, and please, I want everyone to listen, a government has no right to tell you how to live. Your parents have the right to tell you how to live – family. But the problem is when there is an imbalance in the family, we have an imbalanced society. And when the rule that is placed by the government, that once you are a mature sixteen years of age, you decide to leave home and you are absolutely free and no one can stop you. I just wonder, a sixteen-year-old, an eighteen-year-old, a twenty-year-old, a thirty-year-old for that matter, how much do you know about life and the ins and outs of that life? Not much my dear friend. A teenager will always come and say ‘I know what I’m doing mum and dad.’ That’s what they will say. And they see that mum and dad are nothing but an obstacle, are nothing but a hindrance, are nothing but a pain in the neck because they are standing in their way and they are not letting them to have fun, enjoy life and experience it for themselves. ‘Ok mum and dad you say this is wrong but let me experience it and let me find out for myself if it is right or wrong.’ ‘Well, if I let you experience it, it may be too late, because the damager will be much greater than you and I to be able to fix.’

Jesus Christ is the ruler of every king of the earth. The problem of every kingdom, of every nation, of every country is one thing: the day that nation denies the existence of God, we lose origin, we lose meaning, we lose morality, and we lose destiny. We lose our origin, we lose the meaning to that origin, and we lose the morality of life and we lose the destiny – where am I going to end up at the end? I’m lost. When a nation believes that every human race came from mother nature, there is no origin. Therefore, the ape is your granddad. Next time you go to Taronga Zoo and you see that gorilla in there, throw him a banana and say ‘Hi grandpa.’

When we take God out of that equation, there is no more meaning to nothing. I ask someone who believes in nothing, then what are you, who are you and what are you all about? If you believe in nothing, then you’re nothing. Because what you believe in is what makes you. Then if your belief is in nothing, then next time you talk I’m going to deny you totally because nothing is speaking. Where is the meaning in here? The meaning of what a human is all about – nothing.

And then the morality – moral values. Maybe what I’m saying to some of you are too big for words. I’ll try and be very simple as much as I can. Moral values is who is going to teach me what is right and what is wrong? Who is going to tell me this is right and this is wrong? Am I going to be just free in the sense I decide what is right and wrong. So, therefore mum, to me you don’t exist. Dad, to me you don’t exist because I’m living in a country where they are telling me that you are free, no one can stop you. So, at the age of 15, 16, 17, 18, in my twenties, I’ll do whatever I want because it’s a free country. And I decide what is morally right and what is morally wrong. I decide. Then my question is: as a teenager what do you know about morals? What do you know about values? What do you know about life? Yet is is so complicated, so deep in meaning. Not not much. You’re still living that life. You haven’t lived it for you to understand it.”

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