Bioethics in operation

COVID Doctor Charged with Killing the Weak to Save the Strong / 27 Jan 2021

(Alan:  This is bioethics in operation.)

A primary care physician from one of the hardest hit regions in Italy has been arrested for lethally injecting weak COVID patients to free up beds during the peak of the pandemic.

(Alan:  That’s the excuse they give here.  I wonder how much money he got per patient by the way?)

ROME—Dr. Carlo Mosca’s online patient reviews describe a loving “humanitarian” (Alan:  Well, humanitarianism is humanism, you see.  That probably meant humanism as opposed to humanitarian.)  who saved countless lives before the coronavirus pandemic struck Italy. Patients and their families lavished praise on the loving father. (Alan:  Oh, here we go with this guff, eh.)

Something clearly changed in Mosca as the pandemic raged on. The 47-year-old was arrested on double homicide charges this week, accused of killing weak COVID patients and doctoring their medical records in order to free up beds for other patients. Mosca describes the allegations as “baseless” claiming that the overwhelmed health care system is the reason the patients died.

During the first months of the pandemic, Italian doctors were faced with horrifying decisions in deciding who to give respirators and other supplies to, often deciding who lives or dies based on their chance of survival (Alan:  So they’re deciding according, I guess, if you’re essential or not.), essentially letting the weak die due to lack of treatment. But what Mosca is accused of is taking it one step further and killing the patients himself.

(Alan:  They already exhumed some of the patients that died and who were buried I guess.) 

…as the prosecution built the case against the primary care physician using text messages among nurses who watched the once-loving physician transform from Dr. Jekyll into a sinister Mr. Hyde—although one very likely overwhelmed (Alan:  Here they go with the excuses.) by the sheer magnitude of the human tragedy around him.

The investigating magistrate in the case has suggested that Mosca was the “victim (Alan:  Oh, goodness, I didn’t realize that.  He’s a victim, the ones who kill are victims, you see.) in the throes of extreme stress originating from having to face the growing influx of COVID cases,” (Alan:  Hmmm.) according to the court documents. (Alan:  I wonder if it would happen if he was in charge of a prison camp, [Alan chuckles.] would the have the same excuse then, ‘eh, he was overwhelmed by the sheer numbers coming in.)   “The replication of the extreme conditions that led to his crimes made it probable that he resolved to administer (Alan:  Here they go guessing again, this is quite a defense here.) prohibited drugs to the most serious patients in order to speed up their death, thereby falsifying the data contained in the relative medical records.” Simply withholding treatment would have allowed the patients to linger for weeks or months. By injecting them, the prosecutor wrote, Mosca could more quickly free up the much-needed beds.

(Alan:  So that’s a good reason enough, isn’t it, ‘eh? [Alan chuckles.])

Authorities are now combing through records of all of Mosca’s dead patients to search for anomalies in their treatment and deaths. They do not rule out exhuming further bodies, although the majority of the people who died during the height of the first wave of the pandemic were cremated.  (Alan:  I’m sure he knew that too.)

(Alan:  So, here’s what he used to kill them…)

…nurses say he started directing them (Alan:  …the nurses…) to inject lethal doses of Succinylcholine and Propofol, which are often used when intubating patients, into COVID sufferers who were never meant to be intubated. (Alan:  This is the ventilators they’re talking about here.)  Using the drugs on non-intubated patients causes them to suffocate, according to the court documents.

(Alan:  Because when they put you on ventilators, they have to give you these drugs because your body will retaliate.   You’re getting something put down your trachea, your breathing tube, right, and the machine is then going to breathe for you, against your natural ability to breathe yourself. Your body is trying to inhale and exhale, inhale, and exhale and so on, then it all stops with these drugs. These drugs stop that part working so’s that the machine can take over.  If you don’t have, if you’re not hooked to the machine, and you give them these drugs, you suffocate, your own breathing mechanisms stop.  Your ribs won’t contract, you know, the intercostal muscles and so on, to help expand your chest to suck in the air, etc., and your diaphragm doesn’t move down.  So, this is very deliberate, this isn’t some little oversight here.)

During the months of March and April, before a nurse confronted Mosca and threatened to report him, orders for both drugs grew by 70 percent.  (Alan:  He’s ordering this stuff that he’s using.)

As things grew more frantic, the nurses started exchanging worrying messages that now form the prosecution’s case, and at least one confronted him about his state of mind. “Did he ask you to administer the drugs without intubating them?” one nurse wrote. “I’m not killing patients just because he wants to free up the beds. This is crazy,” wrote another.

When nurses started refusing Mosca’s orders, he allegedly started injecting the patients personally, asking the nurses to leave him alone with the patients. (Alan:  Well you see, the nurses too knew damn well what they were doing before they got panicky.)  Prosecutors say he also wrote false terminal diagnoses on the patients’ charts, giving them a more believable cause of death.  (Alan:  Well, I’m sure that’s been done pretty widespread across the world right now actually.)

Mosca, who has been put on leave from his hospital, is under house arrest until his trial begins this spring.

So, there you go, he’s progressive, you see, why keep these elderly folk alive, for goodness sakes.  That’s bioethics in action. Don’t forget too, that I think it’s Fauci’s wife is a bioethics expert, you know that too. 

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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