
Macron in France, right, I don’t think anybody has any faith in this guy at all, or much.

“It Just Doesn’t Work As Expected” – Macron Questions Vaccine Credibility As EU Approves AstraZeneca Jab / 30 Jan 2021

A battle is raging in Europe over the safety of vaccines on Friday. As the EMA insists that the AstraZeneca’s COVID vaccine was safe, before approving it for everyone over 18, French President Emmanuel Macron has just expressed serious doubts about the jab’s efficacy, just as Europe’s second-largest economy is supposedly struggling to convince citizens to take the vaccine.

(Alan: [chuckles.]  Folk don’t want it.  Forget all the polls, folks.  Folk don’t want it.  The polls are meant to make you jump on board. Oh, if they’re all wanting it than I should do it too.  That’s why they’re designed, that’s what polls are for, ‘eh, the con of the masses.)

Just before the EMA’s expert committee unanimously recommended the vaccine to be used on all adults over 18, concerns were raised this week that not enough data exist to prove that the vaccine works in older people, and those concerns were amplified by Macron, much to the chagrin of some fellow EU leaders.

“The real problem with AstraZeneca is just that it doesn’t work as expected, because there we have very little information,” Macron told a group of foreign reporters at the Elysée Palace on Friday.

The comments come after days of Brussels pushing back against AstraZeneca and other vaccine makers’ delays in delivering the vaccines, even as skepticism of their efficacy remains widespread, especially in France and Germany.

The AstraZeneca jab is only the third given the greenlight by the EMA, after the Pfizer and Moderna jabs.

Europe still approved the jab on Friday, despite widespread doubts and criticisms about whether it’s efficacy. Too many bureaucrats were apparently anxious of the delay in the bloc’s decision to approve and roll out the vaccines. Even the mainstream press acknowledged that “concerns” had been raised about the vaccine’s use in elderly patients.

The trials upon which the EMA based its decision found that the AZ vaccine was roughly 60% effective.  (Alan:  No, I would doubt that.)

Macron added that the US hadn’t approved the AZ jab yet and added that France was waiting on the EUA’s decision. Still, the president didn’t sound particularly enthusiastic, and his remarks follow an independent commission advising the German government’s findings that the AZ-Oxford vaccine shouldn’t be used on people over 65.  (Alan:  Well they’re dying, you see.)

The comeback too from the vaccine company, well you see they were dying anyway. Well if they’re dying anyway, why are you giving them the jab? If they’ve only got days or maybe a week or two left, why are you giving them a jab that’s dangerous to them? and they’re dying after it?  And why use that excuse when you blamed everybody back last year who wanted to get back to normal and get working and have an economy and so on, well you want to kill the old folk?  Just stop working and give it a break… and let the old folk live. That’s how they tried to guilt you, you know, to guilt trip you. But it’s okay when the vaccines are bumping them off, well they’re dying anyway.  From the same sources, ‘eh.  Iy!  Science, ‘eh!  It’s science, oh! 

Again, bioethics, I mentioned this before too.  We had articles, especially in Canada because we’re very progressive in Canada, we don’t mind killing folk in hospital.  If they fulfill certain criteria, maybe a certain age, maybe they’re not too useful in society, maybe they’ve got one or two little elderly problems, but nothing much, it doesn’t matter, you know, why waste money on them, ‘eh?  So, they offer you euthanasia in Canada here.  Anyway…

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2021]

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