Before the climate hysteria and fearmongering, people were taught that climate change is a natural phenomena

They were writing about it back in the 1950’s. Only they got it wrong then; they said it was going to be an Ice Age. The same authors who wrote these books, these front men, on behalf of the big wigs, then a few years later when they realized it was easier to superheat the atmosphere and cause various other phenomena, they said it was going to be ‘global warming.‘ Then the drumbeat started steadily for global warming.

That in itself was fantastic enough; but it can only work because people have no idea, at all.  I have to say this, how ignorant they are of any facts, regardless of what kind of education they believe they’ve had or what qualifications they walked out with. 

When I went to what you’d call primary school, I can remember they gave us books, which were passed down through generations, because we had a public service type school in Britain. These books might have been 20 years old; and one of them was to do with geography and the history of geography.  I can still remember it yet, page for page, going through the fact that the climate is always changing.  We don’t go around the sun in a perfect circle.

Not only that, the path it took last year is different from the one it will take next year, and there have been many ice ages in previous times. Even at that time, scientific groups had drilled into the Arctic and Antarctic and come across layers upon layers of previous ice ages. They could tell when it had been warming, when it had been cooling, warming and cooling. There was pollen and different stuff mixed in with it at different layers.  What we’re going through is a natural phenomena, which at one time was taught to the people when you had a bit better education. You realize there’s been, who knows, maybe thousands of ice ages in the past?

Now what happens after an ice age?  It’s called an ice age because you’re ‘in the Ice’ Age. What happens then is you warm and you’re no longer in the Ice Age. Well you don’t stop warming. You warm up to a particular level and then you do have various things happening. Some of them are mini-Ice Ages and mini-warming ages. You don’t have to go from one extreme to the other. In a natural system, that would be very rare, unless you gave it a little boost with science, which is easy. It’s kindergarten stuff today. 

Yes, after an Ice Age you’re warm, and that’s why we’ve not been living in an Ice Age for the last few thousand years.  We had a MINI-WARMING AGE in the MIDDLE AGES, when for a couple of hundred years, they didn’t build fires in their homes, even to cookIt was just too warm, and that’s in Europe. After that, they went back to snow in the winter and so on.

The history, the records of what was at one time observed and recorded, studied, have simply been tucked away and removed from the upgraded books. That’s why SCHOOL BOOKS ARE ALWAYS UPGRADED, ALL THE TIME, by maybe two, three COMPANIES, at the most, THAT RUN THE WORLD.

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 2007]

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