Alan Watt on how to be able to differentiate between disinformation and real information: truth is not allowed to be told when control has to be maintained.

I’ve been at this for years. And I’ve watched the Big Boys say exactly what I’ve said on a previous night show, the following day. Now obviously the Big Boys aren’t scouring all the airwaves. They don’t. There are agencies within every country which record all radio shows and television shows. And to keep their boys on top they must appear to say something first. That’s the game they play. So when, and I’ve had this before, people have written in and said, ‘You know, so-and-so is saying exactly what you said.’ Well I do know these things because it’s been happening for years and some people have maybe made books really on information I’ve given out for free and then sponge was of course always spinning it.

And that’s counterintelligence. That’s how it works. You could not, you cannot allow truth to be told and the bubble to be burst and maintain control at the same time. You must present to the public superstars. The Ancient Egyptians knew this technique, the science very well. And they called them the wandering stars. They give you the wandering stars and the people follow them. That’s why Hollywood has stars. You follow the stars. You’re more interested in the gossip about the stars even though it’s all bogus and fake than you are about your own; what’s happening within your own family or to those around you.

You get caught up in it because you worship the material, success, and those who seem to be up there with the material, success and these professions are placed there whether they are producers, writers, whatever. They are specially selected, specially groomed and the careers are made for them because there’s no chance allowed in culture creation and control. Everything must be managed. Anything from the grassroots could upset the whole balance of things. It wouldn’t be under the control of the elite and this technique and the science was laid out by many of the ancients including Plato and other contemporaries of the same period, of how creation of culture, creation – how it worked, who was in charge of it, how they always kept in charge of it, and all the components that go into creating it, when you see that for thousands of years Christianity alone ruled a good part of the world and people didn’t question it. That’s all they were told what was in that book and even then for hundreds of years they weren’t even told what was in the book. It was forbidden to read it. Only the priests could read it. And even then, they’d only read it occasionally. The bible used to be chained to the altar up until the Middle Ages.

Most of what was being taught was dogma. That was the church dogma. That’s why the Protestants put out the Geneva Bible. They weren’t protestants really. They were the Rosicrucians and Masons. This may transformed into the term masonry. That was the movement behind it and for the first time people could read things for themselves and say ‘My goodness what’s all this dogma got to do with what’s in this book?’

And really it was nothing. The dogma was there for controlling the people. Well if that was for controlling the people for one and a half thousand years at that time, do you really think with all the sophistication of today’s media, where you have instant access to data right to your home 24-hours a day, do you really think it’s not being used now including with the New Age movement? Of course it is.

Blavatsky herself said and Pike said that the spearhead of bringing in the New Age would be the universities because they’d place the professors there to teach slants on things and the students would follow and rebel, to demand certain things. They would demand exactly what the big boys wanted, and the other part would be spearheaded through the churches and the churches were infiltrated long ago to bring in the New Age.

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