Alan Watt on how to be able to differentiate between disinformation and real information: the people put in prestigious positions have no integrity

It’s interesting that Adam Weishaupt, who was one member of one group of the same groups worldwide, said the greatest way to bring in members, including the low members who knew nothing of the real motives and agenda behind the movement, the greatest way to bring them in is to give them mystery. Mystery. It fascinates them. It fascinates them and they come in droves. They pay their money. They get on their knees. They do all these rituals and they think they’re going to be told the truth.  We’re living in a totally controlled system.

I’ve had overtures from some of the big ones with basically the offer of a very sweet and golden age for myself if I go along and go easy on certain people. I know the reasons why it’s important that these certain people seem to be up there in front. They’ve been well groomed and well financed and the ground work was laid a long time ago for them coming, and I’m upsetting some apple carts but I must be true to myself first and I can’t go along with that.  I found in past experience that those who offer you the big payoffs if you go along are stunned when you refuse them—and I mean stunned—and I’ve seen this face-to-face at times. They can’t figure you out because they have no integrity themselves. They might be in the most supposedly prestigious positions but they have no integrity. That’s why they’re in those prestigious positions.

However, they truly, truly are dumbfounded. But you can’t just “play the game” and go along and take the payoffs. They’re confused and I’ve had quite a few offers over the last year or so, longer in fact. This is the real world we live in. Most people will give in and play the game and become pied pipers and promote each other you see. People who’ve been trained by the big boys, MI5, MI6, who put Aleister Crowley out there to create another part of the New Age movement. Did a very good job of it. Created the OTO, a Freemasonic branch. A specialty branch you might say. Not for the lower members but for the higher members.

Just like all the monasteries in past times, they spun off other specialized sects to do specialized jobs. This is how it works. It’s always worked this way.  But, first and foremost you have to be true to yourself. You can’t be true to others unless you are and your prime purpose is to be true to yourself.

I’ve lost count of the number of people who’ve called me over the years who followed and been involved in what we now loosely term the “New Age”, the ones who are the emotional and psychic wrecks that have become imprisoned in a world they’re terrified of. A world akin to Haiti where spells are cast by people on people and you visit the witch doctor to have the spells removed – probably the same guy that put the spell on you for someone else. This is the ridiculousness it comes down to, where all these energies and forces are acting on people until people are breaking down. They’re mentally breaking down with all of this. They can’t make a move without a card reading or a pendulum swinging over yes or no, “Should I go out today?” or someone with a horoscope. The traditional methods of what we now call the New Age, which is ancient, but they’re imprisoned in their lives. They have no happiness, no peace.

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