Alan Watt on how to be able to differentiate between disinformation and real information: integrity & honesty with yourself will help you look into the truth and truth gives you hope

Everything is a sign or an evil entity and this was all created for them by something which was intended initially to fascinate them and they took the bait and they went into it and now they’re terrified of living and dying. They’re not living at all. That’s where all of this leads – to be controlled by other people, people who claim they have the power to keep you safe.

Here we have the warlords on the one hand in the physical world taking every right away that you thought you had, to keep you safe, mind you, and using all the front groups to do it – the NGOs that are financed and sponsored by the big boys, the big foundations. On the other hand, they’re robbing you of your psychic life, your spiritual life, by the fakes that they put out there to confuse and astound you, and you give every right away up to them. You give them over. You’re looking for gurus to wash away all the bad karma you’ve accumulated, just to wash it away and of course there’s plenty that will promise to do so as long as you can pay them.

It’s an awful roundabout that they go onto. They’re minds are imprisoned. They went in willingly, now they’re imprisoned. They can’t get out. Tremendous mind control, carefully laid out slowly, incrementally over many, many, many years to get the effect that we’re now at today; and they’re creating the World Religion, where they’ve all been prepared to go into it willingly again for Mother Earth and nature. Sounds so wonderful and fuzzy and yet they’ll be a priesthood over that as well, of course, but there’s always a priesthood over it who will tell you the rules and now you’ve got to stop breeding and maybe you should be sterilized as well for Mother Earth and this will come. It’s all on the books and they want your cooperation. They’re very legalistic that way. They want your cooperation. We always do it willingly.

We go off and fight their wars willingly. We’ve been trained to follow the good shepherds. Shepherds own sheep. That’s why every religion had a good shepherd and all the sheep go into their specially made buildings and bleeped on special days. Domesticated animals. That’s what a sheep is. A sheep is a domesticated animal. It doesn’t have the natural instincts of a wild animal. It’s been bred out of it. Its instincts for survival have been bred out of it. It actually trusts the shepherd. The shepherd keeps it to make a living off it and he’ll eat it and sell its wool. They get fleeced. Sound familiar?

It’s only bleak for those who are afraid to look at the truth. And once you have looked to the truth you can get it past it all and above it and beyond it and move on. And you will have power, by understanding. Where those in New Age who want everyone to be saved, like we’re a mass man, we’re all connected and glued together, it’s never been that way in history. And if you wanted to bring everyone through this, you would become the control freak. People are making their choices every day. And you must allow them to do so. It doesn’t mean you don’t have to tell them. You tell them, at least warn them where they’re going. Give them as much information as possible or what they can handle. But ultimately they will make their decisions and most people will take what appears to be the easiest path. They always have and generally always will.

This is your journey – an individual journey and the more you truly search and are honest with yourself, as they say ‘know thyself’ is important, you will find that there’s far more to all of this than just the mundane. And it’s beyond and greater than the New Age with their hocus pocus and their mind imprisoning techniques.

There is far more to this of course than just facts and figures and who did what, when, where and why. But not everyone can go on that journey. It’s up to those who can handle the bad news and all of its levels because the bottom level is bad enough. Few can go beyond that. But there are some. And you have to go through hell before you can see heaven.

The New Age Movement has trained them, their followers, to avoid the unpleasant. Oh don’t look at the negative. Look at the happy things. And as you look at the happy things, people are being slaughtered across the planet by the power mongers as they grab territory, oil, resources, and destroy cultures because they’re in the way, they’re inconvenient for the world that is coming up to be. And those who will not look at the truth are putting themselves in the path of destruction and they won’t see that coming either because they won’t want to look at it. That’s the Ostrich Syndrome.

They’re neutralized. Again psychological warfare works wonders, works very well, with most people. And some people said when you’ve got to give the people hope, I wouldn’t give them false hope. To give them hope, they have to look at the truth. There’s no other way to do it. You must look at things honestly, including yourself. That’s where the hope comes in, once you’ve done that. Until you do, for you, there is no hope. You’ll bend with every wind that blows from the top.  I don’t say they’ll be hope for everyone. As I say, most people will and always have in all ages have chosen what they thought was the easy way. They’ve chosen the promise of peace and safety.

They’ve chosen to follow a big powerful leader, or at least what appears to be so, because they will not look to themselves to be champion.  People who will not stand up for themselves individually are truly giving away their rights to decide to anything to that which appears to be strong.  You are your own champion and you can be the champion for those to come. That’s responsibility, a big one – and you won’t be popular, but then truth never is.

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