A look at the enforcement of odd-even system of traffic rules abroad.

The use of private cars on alternate days, or the odd-even system of traffic rules which Dr Sant dreamt of was also practised and imposed in various European countries but it did not succeed.

Back in 2014, city officials in Paris enforced an odd-even system of traffic rules, with the excuse of cutting automobile emissions so to cut down on air pollution. Only cars with odd-numbered license plates could be on the rues et boulevards Monday while on Tuesday, the city’s streets were to be open only to cars with even-numbered plates. And while 90% of the herd obeyed, because let’s face it, it’s not that they were given a choice, you had a 10% which didn’t and which was fined. A woman told the TV network: “I know it’s not great to say it but I’m willing to take my car and pay the fine to get my kids to school, because I don’t have the choice” – exactly! This is what they do. They impose things on you, without giving you a good, valid choice and if you ‘disobey’, you are fined. Despicable! Communism at its best. But please note, that at the same time the communists give you a reward – in Paris at the time, public transport systems were free as long as the odd-even rule applied. This odd-even restriction was used in Paris once before, in 1997.

May I remind you that the British were imposed the 15-minute cities which are communism par excellence.

This brave fight against pollution in Paris is considerably behind that of certain other cities. Similar alternate driving bans have been in effect for many years in Athens, the Greek capital, and they have made a major contribution to both traffic and pollution reduction. What a pity it is that we never have a brave fight against the Big Industries and Big Businesses and Corporations who truly pollute. Imagine what a better world it would be without these Big Guys. Sao Paulo, Brazil employed a more complicated license plate-based system that assigned each car a day of the week on which it cannot be driven during morning and afternoon rush hours.

I do not know what the situation is today dear readers but it shouldn’t interest us because now they are slowly rolling the austerity agenda and one way they will do it is by preventing you from travelling and moving – whether it’s from town to town by your car; whether it’s by the ferry to go to Sicily or Gozo in our case; or whether you want to have to use the plane to travel, whether for work or holiday. All of this is a way to reduce your personal freedom. You will not be allowed to be free.

Guess which country imposed this odd-even driving restrictions? None other than communist China, the bad guy. Chinese officials had imposed these restrictions in Beijing before and during the 2008 Summer Olympics which were held there. The reasons were much the same: to help clean the air and cut down on traffic congestion.

Jaħasra how green minded they are. After all, it’s all for our environment and for our health, no?

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