A freediver disproves MaltaToday fearmongering article about marine heatwave which is being pushed by the University of Malta cults!

MaltaToday joins the climate change media cults to give you another lie.

In its article titled “Warmer seas came earlier this year as marine heatwave gripped Mediterranean” it defines a marine heatwave “as a period during which the sea temperature is abnormally warm for the time of the year relative to historical temperatures, with that extreme warmth persisting for at least five consecutive days.”

The fearmongering is done by computerised images which portray everywhere red, because in nature the colour red is nature’s way of warning that there is danger, so by using the colour red, the media is programming you that climate change is a dangerous threat:

This media portal cult cites “marine researcher Adam Gauci from the Oceanography Marine Research Group of the University of Malta, the average temperature in the first 10m around the Maltese islands ranged between 28°C and 29°C. This is approximately 2°C above the usual average between 15 July and 21 July.”

This is how “experts” and “academia” collude together with the media to control you and sell you lies, so that they modify your behaviour and suppress your freedom. In fact, Gauci is “involved in the MedSeaRise project, which studies the long-term impacts of climate change on the Mediterranean region.” The usual funded projects for evil agendas. In collusion with them, there is the Oceanography Research Group, of which the same Gauci is part of, also at the University of Malta, “closely monitoring the situation, collecting real-time data and analysing it with the help of numerical models” while providing “essential marine data services for research and climatological analysis.” Who is funding all this? Because usually research results mirror the beliefs and agendas of who is doing the funding.

What a shame that the University of Malta has become another cult!

Here comes the fearmongering: “The implications of this marine heatwave are severe. Gauci emphasised that warmer waters can significantly alter marine habitats, leading to potential biodiversity loss as marine species leave the warm waters and relocate to cooler waters.”

Here comes the big bang boom: “He pointed out that if current carbon emission levels persist, projections indicate a temperature rise of 4°C and a sea level increase of about 10m over the next century.”

Clearly, MaltaToday, the University of Malta, and Gauci are pushing for the Net-Zero, which won’t even let any tree, and any other creature alive, let alone marine life. Big well done to Mr Gauci and University of Malta for pushing for the killing of life on earth!

But here comes the Truth, which pushed its way to the surface among all of the above lies:

I am sure you all love this response.

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