Zachary King, ex-satanist: “I celebrated satanic rituals inside abortion clinics”

Giving more light to the facts exposed by daivideo on Planned Parenthood as the main actor in trafficking of organs and tissues of aborted children there, the Lepanto Institute interviewed and recorded the testimony of Zachary King, an ex-Satanist converted thanks to the intervention of the Blessed Virgin.

At the age of 13, he joined a satanic cult.

Zachary King was a regular American neighborhood child raised in a Baptist home. He started practicing magic at the age of 10, joined a satanic sect at the age of 13, and at the age of 15, he had already consciously violated the 10 Commandments.

From adolescence to adulthood he gained experience and power to explicitly guide Satan’s agenda, as a leader of a community of witches and wizards. The agenda included, underlined, ritual abortions.

His forthcoming book titled: “Abortion is a Satanic Sacrifice” expands on what he testifies in this interview.

“Zac, can you explain to us how you fell into satanism?”

“It all started with a lot of curiosity, I wondered if magic was real. In the 70’s I grew up watching movies about witches and wizards. In school we had a game called ‘Bloody Mary’ or ‘I hate you, Bloody Mary’ which consisted of going to the bathroom and repeating that sentence out loud a number of times with the lights off.”

“We had no idea what we were looking for, because suddenly this scary thing appeared in the mirror and everyone ran out of the bathroom, scared to death, except for me. Thought this was something of interest. Back then I used to play Dungeons and Dragons every weekend and always chose to be the wizard or the wizard. Over time, I started to wonder if I could perform real magic and I tried a few spells for money. At first I thought it was just a coincidence, so for the third time I did it I cast a spell on the demon in the bathroom (calling it ‘Bloody Mary’).. doing so asking to obtain a larger sum of money than the previous two times. The next day I received a thousand dollars. Since then you convinced me that magic is real.”

“I was about 12 when a friend introduced me to that group that played Dungeons and Dragons. They also believed magic was real. They turned out to be a satanic community (congregation). A lot of people ask me why I didn’t run to hide when I realized. Well I grew up in the 70’s when television showed really scary Satanic congregations.. Also these guys had almost every video game and sci-fi or fantasy movie I liked. It was like a boys and girls club with lots of fun. Let’s put it like that, they knew how to recruit. They knew everything a child would want to do, so they committed to us as such.”

“That was my first worship. I was there up to 18 years. Then I joined the worldwide church of Satan, which is a worldwide cult organization. The position I reached was that of the Supreme Magician. It was a satanic congregation and there people did whatever magic was necessary in the congregation. There could be up to 10 (in each satanic assembly). The Great Wizards of a congregation range from 2 to 5 and our task was to travel the world performing the ritual curses asked of us. I’m talking rock stars, movie stars, politicians, rich… there is no limit to who would ask for a ritual spell and could pay for it.”

“Then you were a Great Wizard of Satanism… How did you get to this level?”

“They say the High Wizards are chosen by Satan. Not sure if there’s a criteria. I’ve had magical gifts at the age of ten and reached the level of Grand Wizard at the age of 21… Satan chooses you and in such a big cult (Worldwide Church of Satan), there’s a CEO and a board of directors. They tell you that you are chosen, you decide whether you accept and then they give you a book containing your work assignments.”

“What role does abortion play in satanic rituals, and when was the first time you were involved in a satanic-related abortion?”

“Immediately after turning 14, members of the congregation called me and told me I would be in for an abortion within approximately nine months. Then we started a sex party between 12-15 year old boys and an 18 year old girl. Her goal was to get pregnant so she could have an abortion shortly before 9 months. When I discovered this I said out loud ‘awesome’. But I had no idea what a abortion was. I asked the members of the congregation and they explained it. They also said… that a doctor and a nurse will help you. ‘Is this legal?’ I asked. They answered, ‘Yes, as long as you step inside the uterus. While the child is still inside the woman, you can kill it’.

“In Satanism, killing someone or during the death of someone is the most effective way to make a curse effective. If you want to get Satan’s approval to give you something you desire, killing someone is the best way. It’s the ultimate offer to Satan; Killing a unborn is his highest goal.”

“Tell us about the first abortion you experienced as a satanic ritual.”

“The first one was about three months before I turned 15… there was a doctor and a nurse (abortion specialist)… The ritual started at 11:45pm and the curse started at midnight, the time of the witches.. . The child died at 3:00am, devil time.. (child was cannibalized)”

“How many ritual abortions have you attended?”

“Before Great Wizard, five. Then 141 more.”

“Have you ever had a ritual abortion in an abortion clinic?”

“Yes I performed satanic rituals in abortion clinics. There have been around 20 ritual abortions inside these facilities… The World Church of Satan is not the only organization that performs satanic sacrifices in these facilities. There are other witchcraft organizations, like Wiccan, that are actually involved in abortions carried out in these facilities. Sometimes you are invited to do it because the facility manager, a director or sometimes the Doctor is a Satanist.”

“At the end of the day, every day, Satanic groups celebrate their ritual – like a Black Mass -, usually around midnight… where do they offer to Satan all the children who were killed that day. It doesn’t matter the reason women have abortions, because in the end all those children are ordained to Satan.”

“Have you ever been prevented from having an abortion or ritual because Catholics were praying outside of an abortion clinic?”

“This has happened to me about three times…the three abortions didn’t happen because of something unexpected that can only be attributed to prayers that some people were saying outside (from the abortion clinic).”

“What do you say to people praying outside of abortion facilities?”

“First of all, don’t stop! Nothing that happens in that abortion clinic can hurt you. Sure, there will be demons everywhere, but you must think of Satan as a dog on a leash… he can’t bite you. You must be in a state of grace when you go. Carrying a bottle of holy water. Don’t blame people going to abortion centers or opposing your prayer because they will take you to court. Sprinkle blessed water on yourselves, both when you arrive and when you go, and also on all members of your family. If you could receive Holy Communion before you get there, that would be ideal. If you go to Mass that day, after Mass stay a few minutes asking Our Lord to send his Mother with you. Take a rosary with you because with it you will give a deadly blow to the devil. There are things the devil fears, but above all he fears well trained Catholics; a Catholic who understands his faith and understands what spiritual warfare is. He (Satan, demons) doesn’t want to fight someone who has his full armor on.”

The conversion of the Satanist:

In January 2008, while working in a jewelry stand, Zachary had a life-changing encounter with the Blessed Virgin. In the middle of the mall, absorbed in the image of the Miraculous Medal, Zachary experienced a peace that surpassed all understanding. That peace was Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.

The love of the Virgin, Zechariah says, saved him from hell by taking him straight to the heart of Jesus Christ. He then began attending St. Francis Saverio Catholic Church in Vermont and in May 2008 (during the month of Mary), Zachary King was received sacramentally into the Catholic Church.

Source Your Catholic

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