You will have to ‘save the planet’ by paying more taxes – the flight charge to fares in Europe & Peter Agius is late in speaking up!

“German airline giant Lufthansa said Tuesday it would add an environmental charge of up to €72 euro to fares in Europe to cover the cost of increasing EU climate regulations.”

The extra cost will be added to all flights sold and operated by the group departing from EU countries as well as Britain, Norway and Switzerland, it said in a statement. 

It will apply to flights from January next year and, depending on the route and fare, will vary from one to 72 euros. 

‘The airline group will not be able to bear the successively increasing additional costs resulting from regulatory requirements in the coming years on its own,’ said Lufthansa. 

The group — whose airlines include Lufthansa, Eurowings, Austrian, Swiss and Brussels Airlines — said it is facing extra costs from EU regulations related to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). 

The EU legislation requires airlines to gradually increase use of the fuel on routes departing EU airports.  

Carriers will need to include two percent of SAF in their fuel mix from next year, rising to six percent in 2030 and then soaring to 70 percent from 2050.

The aviation sector is among the toughest to decarbonise and SAF — a biofuel that produces lower carbon emissions than traditional jet fuel  — is seen as a crucial ingredient to hitting emissions targets but is currently more expensive to produce.”

This is what you voted for last June.

You will save the planet by paying more taxes. A time will come where only the few will afford to fly, but the carbon footprint scheme will come, and it will be served to you as a solution so that according to a number of points you get, you will able to fly. It is the way for communism to treat you for being a ‘good boy’ and a ‘good girl.’

Here comes the mouthpiece of the PN, the new MEP puppet Peter Agius to say in a Facebook post “One can now see what the Green Deal madness means for Malta.” How hypocritical! Where were you all these years? Now you’re talking? Tell it to your colleague, David Malta’s Damage Control Casa! U ħalluna naqra!

This site has been writing against the true meaning of the ‘Green Deal’ and yet, no politician has spoken. And this site, in a piece pre-election, has warned the public to wait and see what awaits us post-election with anything related to this ‘Green Deal’ – rebranded for ‘Communist Deal.’

This is just another form of tax, for the plebs, while the elite use their private jets. Because you must save the planet.

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