Why was Assange present in the 1990s out-of-print card game of a raided company by the U.S. Secret Service?

As part of a statewide investigation into data piracy,[what you are told to believe of course] the U.S. Secret Service raided the offices of Steve Jackson Games in Austin, Texas, on March 1, 1990. All that was said in the first press reports was that the Secret Service had raided an alleged cyber group. The real tale came to light gradually.

Steve Jackson Games was behind the creation of various games, including the notorious card game Illuminati which won the Origins Award for Best Science Fiction Boardgame of 1982 and then there was its sequel which is the sealed decks of “Illuminati: New World Order (INWO)” cards, which won the Origins Award for Best Card Game of 1994, and both created by Steve Jackson himself, an American game designer (because there is also a British one) and released more than 25 years ago. The game was still up in print up to 2019 and the original is the limited edition. It also seems that they reprint the regular game every few years.

This card game was inspired by the 1975 book The Illuminatus! Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea which is quite weird and interesting at the same time.

This now collectable card game has foreshadowed current events like the coronavirus pandemic, civil unrest in Washington DC and the rise of political correctness.

I will tackle this card game in another piece. A game that truly blows your mind. Now before I conclude, I would like to invite the readers to ask: from where did the novelists get the information, from which this card game was developed? Did they get it from whistleblowers or were they agents given permission to publish this information with a nod from the top?

Was Steve Jackson also given the nod? Was his company raided so to make believe that action was being taken but in reality, these card games, considering that they even won awards, were produced and put on the market with a nod from the top? Or was the company raided because these card games were informing people of future planned events which is truth which should not be given to the public?

Whatever the answers, which we hope we will get one day, can someone tell me why there is a card for Julian Assange in this deck?

What does ‘And STAY dead!’ mean? Do the cues on the card stand for an ulterior message? What plan and psyop [psychological operation] is truly that of Assange?

Is his life in danger now that he was released or what?

We need to keep on asking questions, dear readers, because the world is a stage. If someone is on it, they were put there to fulfill a role. This card game keeps on proving that such type of events are planned decades in advance and so was that of Assange.

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