Why is Julian Assange shown in a Freemasonic pose in the cover of the film ‘The Trust Fall: Julian Assange?”

‘The Trust Fall: Julian Assange’ is a film released in 2023 which narrates the story of Julian Assange. Please click here.

Isn’t his pose that of Osiris Risen, which is a Freemason pose?

Here goes another pied piper, Tucker Carlson, promoting him:

What statue does this pose remind remind you of?

Did the version of liberated Assange look this old as in this picture?

Is Assange’s story and his liberation a distraction? Does it show that they are on the back foot and that the tide is turning or was he ever there at all?

Is this another part of the pantomime that is being played in front of us?

How come his liberation was foretold in Q Anon?

Under protection by whom and against whom? Who is behind the Q Anon? Is it the CIA/Mossad? And if he was under protection, why was he liberated when he needs more protection once he is out in the open? If he was a dangerous individual to those at the top, wouldn’t have he been eliminated long ago, as we have seen with many other famous people who ‘died by suicide’ like the doorknob suicide victims?

Consider that William Colby, a CIA Director between 1973 and 1976, stated that ‘The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media,’ does the fact that he has been all over the media, means that Julian Assange a CIA asset and that he has fooled a lot of people, unfortunately?

We need to keep on asking questions, dear readers, because the world is a stage. If someone is on it, they were put there to fulfill a role. Was Assange just an actor and as this site will show, he was present in a 1990s card game, which shows how such type of events are planned decades in advance?

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