Why doesn’t Robert Abela foster healthy ways to strengthen the family unit instead of reforms in the family court?

In a one-liner, Times of Malta’s article had also referred to the topic of euthanasia, along with reforms in the family court.

“On Monday evening, Abela said that other topics that needed to be discussed were euthanasia and reforms in the family court.”

This is the same article in which Abela is cited talking about future discussions on abortion.

Instead of targeting reforms in the family court, why doesn’t Abela foster healthy ways to strengthen the family unit? The family is the backbone of each society. With healthy families, you get healthy relationships, which then creates an atmosphere of a healthy society, instead of all the social problems that the destruction of the family unit has brought about.

But it won’t happen. Why? Because this is a war on the whole world and it’s a war to eradicate all that was to make way for that which will be new; and that means our whole society, our whole way of living, even the family itself is to go. The family as you know it has to be totally destroyed and they’ve been working on this for many, many years, and now they’re on a roll for it all, and we cannot keep our head down because they’re going to come for us anyway. And so Abela must see to it and redirect this.

The family unit has been gradually targeted for many, many years now. If we take the local scene, we can go back to the hike in prices in the late 1980s under Fenech Adami’s regime, which diverted families to financial problems; to having both women and men having to work so to milk this corrupt system and the shitty economy, while the PN came out with the huge lie in their game of deceit of ‘sharing life’s responsibilities’ which I would have loved to have the presence of mind at the time to tell the PN politely where they can shove the sharing of life’s responsibilities in. Then Malta’s cost-of-living got higher, and the wages never reflected this. This meant more financial burdens to take their toll on families. Then we got the introduction of divorce thanks to Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and his propaganda, and the referendum, which was directed, thanks to the propaganda, to its introduction.

Add to the above ingredients of sure failure the propaganda targeted at women which in turn created the ‘perfect man’ [for the system of course] and the ‘perfect male worker’ [for the economy of course]. Women by nature want peace and security and that’s what Adolph Hitler said. He said, all propaganda is aimed at the women who want security, food and so on and so on, so the big brother overrides the husband and the husband becomes ineffectual. Women tend to go along with the image of someone who gives peace, safety and security and men have a hard time trying to get active because for fear of wrath within the home.

So, my appeal is for women and men to get active and work on themselves for a change through growth. This takes long because it requires a lot of introspective work from multi-generational degeneration to a regeneration of a new generation.

Many people feel uncomfortable being alone due to the constant pressure to be in a relationship, and many more choose to remain single out of fear of being seen as unworthy of a companion. All of this undoubtedly misses the mark. Whatever that means to each of us, living a life true to our path is what matters most. For some people, a romantic relationship is intrinsically related to their spiritual calling. They unearth and humanize their greatest significance there. But before this is pursued, a man and a woman must have grown to a path of true maturity and self-knowledge. Some, however, are pulled in a different path and discover their calling in their employment, in their creative endeavors, or in their own spiritual practices. Everybody has a soul script that is specific to their individual journey. What matters most in life is not finding the ‘one.’ What matters is finding the road. tranquility on the walk. It really is that easy. It is tranquility along the way.

I also believe that it is through education that a nation can achieve liberation in knowing who we truly are so to walk the right path – the real education that liberates, not the current infiltrated education that we have.

Here is a thought that Terrence Portelli wrote about the family unit on Mother’s Day:

“The traditional family is the bedrock of society, a sanctuary of love, strength, and resilience, nurtured by the unwavering devotion of mothers and fathers… Motherhood is the embodiment of femininity—the gentle touch, the nurturing embrace, the boundless love that shapes and molds the future of society… Masculinity is not about dominance or power; it’s about protection, provision, and partnership with the feminine grace that brings balance and harmony to our world… On this Mother’s Day, let us honor the sacred bond between mother and child, protected by the father, a timeless connection that transcends boundaries and reminds us of the profound beauty of the human spirit.”

So, why doesn’t Robert Abela see to ways of how to strengthen the family unit, without having these usual programs with fuzzy political, positive titles which will still keep families going round in a loop? It is the base of the cake which must be seen to, not the cherry.

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