Well done to Animal Liberation Malta. The truth behind milk and the dairy industry

“Animal rights activists took to the streets of Valletta on Saturday in a theatrical demonstration against commercial dairy production.  

Three female activists from Animal Liberation Malta could be seen wearing pumps attached to their breasts and holding up placards with slogans including ‘dairy is scary’, ‘milk is not human(e)’ and ‘not your mother, not your milk’.  Well done. But for those who make fun of such activism, this is all bullshit, and why is all this fuss about speaking up for a cow at the end of the day?

The hate and even ostracization against vegans who do not consume dairy, among other products like meat, in this country, is ruthless. In other European countries, this is normal, and you lose count counting the endless choice of menus offered. Here, you are laughed at and mocked, and this is quite normal, isn’t it. No, it’s not. But in a low-vibration country of dead spiritual frequencies, it is.

Out of all the charges made against vegans, this one seems to be the most disconnected from the truth: they are told to give up “imposing” their “extremist” viewpoints. People who employ such terms don’t even know what those words mean, and they lack fundamental self-awareness.

In western societies, where veganism is becoming more and more popular, most people have the right to free speech. Although vegans cannot “impose” anything, they are perfectly allowed to discuss their opinions about eating meat, how unethical it is to consume animal products, and to use peaceful and legal means of educating others. That isn’t “extreme” or “imposing,” because what’s truly outrageous is that carnists impose their ideals of human supremacy on billions of animals, abusing helpless, sentient creatures when we truly don’t have to—in a compassionate world. And compassion always extends to your plate.

Because of their superior intelligence, humans are the only animals that eat the secretions of other animals, such as cow fluid. To top it off, research indicates that nations with higher milk consumption also have higher rates of osteoporosis and fractures. Who cares, though? Let’s overindulge in dairy. Casomorphin is the name of the opioid produced during the breakdown of milk protein. The same opioid receptors in the brain that are triggered by heroin and prescription painkillers are also activated by this food-derived opioid.

Because we have been sold the lie that milk is the key to strengthening bones. If you still think so, then read this study. But here come the moronic comments to tell you, “But what should we drink?” or “What should we give our babies?” Hello! Today there are so many alternatives to milk like plant-based ones, which are also being offered as an option in cafeterias. And a woman has breasts and produces milk when she is pregnant so that she can breastfeed her own HUMAN milk to a baby HUMAN!!

How a lion’s cub can suck milk out of a hedgehog’s tit is beyond me.

So, what is the truth behind milk consumption? A glass of milk is high in calcium but is also so high in animal protein which is a very dirty burning fuel. Only 58% is burnt as fuel which leaves a waste of 42% which is a high acid waste, being a sulfur waste. When drinking a cup of milk, the body uses the most alkaline mineral which is calcium to negate the sulfur residue. Do you know how much calcium is left for the human body after a person drinks a glass of milk? None! Cows can access that calcium because of their digestive system which is so different than ours.

The countries in this world that are the highest dairy consumers have the highest incidence of osteoporosis. Where does the elephant get calcium from for his huge bones? The creatures in this planet with the biggest bones are vegetarians. They get it from grass. The good news is that the human does not have to eat grass. Humans can eat broccoli and all the dark, green leafy vegetables.

In a nutshell, cow’s milk isn’t sufficient for nutritional needs. Milk is just a white lie that we have all been sold.

Most people aren’t aware that in order to produce milk, dairy cows are kept almost continually pregnant. Unwanted male calves (known as ‘bobby calves’) are slaughtered in their first week of life so that their mothers’ milk can be harvested for human consumption. This is the true cost of dairy, and it’s only part of the story.

If you would like to have a look at the cruelty behind the dairy industry, then either watch the below short footage:

or else, if you want to have a picture of stark cruelty of the dairy industry, then watch the documentary Dominion here, and hopefully, you will be strong enough to watch throughout without looking away after a few seconds so to continue with your life, while closing your eyes as if this suffering does not exist.

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