We are living through a schedule as the Illuminati Elites go through their formula

Alan Watt: “Hi. Alan Watt with Cutting Through the Matrix. Another place to find the countries that they wanted to go through, if the website is still up, is this little club that was formed by those who are in power right now in the U.S., at least who appear to be in power, and that’s ‘The Project for the New American Century,’ because they also went through different countries they wanted to get ‘involved with’ shall we say. In the old British Empire they use to call them ‘problems,’ like the Turkish problem and so on, and that’s how it’s referred to in the writings of today. It’s always a problem, a Middle Eastern problem or an Iranian problem et cetera. That’s what they mean by that. When they have problems they want to fix those problems, which generally means they want to take over the entire structural system over there, wherever over there happens to be at that time; and believe you me, the boys who plan ahead the decades and even a century perhaps, they’ll have many wars lined up after that. We’re living through a schedule right now as they go through their formula, but they already have their targets after Iran and Syria and so on to standardize the whole planet for “peace” you understand. For peace and then of course we’ll all be in our little matrix and living in a fantasy world where we are totally predictable and as they hope and they know it’s true, most folk will enjoy it. Most folk will actually enjoy it as they get gradually led into it.

More so when they step up crisis after crisis because we all need escapism now and then and we like a little bit of fantasy to escape from the harsh realities of life. The problem with the fantasies they give us is predictive programming, which leads into the next part of real life that they’ve planned for us. That’s the problem and not so long ago families use to sit and discuss (before the television sets), they’d have little stories to tell each other and things like that and you had storytellers. People would communicate with each other and that was a healthy type of entertainment or they’d sing or play an instrument and so on. That’s been changed. If you notice, all entertainment is done by professionals now outside of your control and when you get entertained by them you’re actually being programmed by them and that’s cultural creation as they call it, so I’m very careful about the books I recommend. I try to get it out quickly when I bring on another book I’m going to talk about before the guys who have all these books jack up the prices and really take advantage of the situation. There are also some groups out there on other radio stations and so on that actually own publication houses where they buy obsolete books, so I try not to go into what they’ve got to offer because they really soak you for reprinting these books. They’re obsolete, they don’t pay any royalties on them so they can churn them out and often they can be made in China or India or something for peanuts and then you pay for it all.

For those who want to support me, look into my website because that’s how you keep me going. I don’t have a staff here to do all the stuff that most people do. I don’t plan my talks. I sit down here five minutes before I start and it just happens to flow, which is only natural way to be. Otherwise it would be commercialized and I’d be entertaining you. I’d be in the business and time is getting short.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]


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