Tourists are being taxed to visit Venice with Venetians and their friends and relatives having their personal data collected

Venice, known as “the Lagoon city,” has become the first in the world to charge entry. Because now if you are a tourist visiting Venice, there is an “access fee” which you must pay, “a measure created by the Municipality of Venice in 2018 to discourage day tourism” [they say and want to make you believe]. This was “amended over the years until arriving at the form in which it debuted last April. This measure is just an experiment, they say, so that they see how the masses will react, and it is leading daily visitors, and non-Venetian, who do not sleep in the municipal area and have no friends, paying the 5 euros in the city.” Wait and see until it becomes a law or a standard thing to do.

Then here you go the personal data collection thing tied to it. Students, workers, friends, and relatives “have to register in a portal to obtain the exemption. The Italian government is collecting the data of the Venetians.

And no, this system is meant to stay. “According to the council’s own declaration, various corrective measures may be developed in progress: both regarding the collection of personal data and regarding payment.” Wait and see how all this will continue to be implemented rigorously.

And the touristic masses, who just live to travel because there is nothing better to do in this world than to travel, who flock like herds to follow all evil agendas because they are the deceived who do not even know that they are being deceived, have flocked to Venice helping its municipality to collect 70 thousand euros of taxes in one day.

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