To all the women with inner strength – I salute you. Know your value.

“A truly beautiful woman with so much inner strength.

Yet she bears witness to unimaginable pressure and incredible hardship, yet with unbendable grace.

That, when she wants to scream due to a heavy weight of distress in her heart.

A soft little smile instead And in those moments sadness tries to overtake her, she sings from a place so deep within the core of her being.

This amazing woman has so much duality that she cries tears of joy when something is making her profoundly happy, and laughter so hearty it wards away fears as soon as they rear their ugly heads.

May her love knows no limit, unlimited and unsullied for all those who she cares deeply about.

Yet, the one damn flaw that this splendid woman has is failing to remember her amazing value.

More often than not, she doesn’t realize how valuable and how uncommon her heart is; it’s strength and the actual true beauty that shines from within.

And so let us take this message and spread it far and wide — to all of the extraordinary women we are fortunate enough know.

Remind her, time and again, that she is one completely unique creation.

Celebrate her resilience, the way she loves and how she moves with strength, grace and kindness through this world.

That adoring eyes that were looking back at her see the true self of a beautiful woman. she’s powerful, she’s precious and case she is one of a kind.” – Neena Gupta (Indian actress and television director)

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