Times of Malta starts preparing you to get turned into a digital enslaved slave where governments and the banks will take full control of your spending

Another bomb which this site has talked about for a year and a half, has exploded. Piero Cipollone, a member of the executive board of the ECB, sells you non-other than the propaganda in TOM’s propaganda wheeling machine, but sold to you as a mere opinion piece, which spread its tentacles to all brainwashing propaganda outlets across the euro regime areas.

To add insult to injury, it sells you all this as freedom. Please read Cipollone’s crap here.

Prepare yourself for the digital world and the digital money, in other words, the CBDC. Please type CBDC in the search section of this site. No, it won’t complement cash. It will eradicate cash for the plebs, for convenience, you know. True, digital currencies already exist and have been operating rather successfully but they are not so far regulated by any government. But now things will change. Such digital currencies will be tied to the central bank where governments may more easily regulate your spending with digital currencies, as demonstrated by the Canadian government’s seizure of protestors’ bank accounts and prevention of their access to cash. Just picture how much simpler it would be if there was a button for that.

Cipollone’s article is full of lies. Here is one: “Freedom lies at the heart of the European Union’s principles. Every EU citizen is free to live, work, study and do business in any EU member state” except when a vaccine comes out and you are forced to take it. Freedom my foot!

“The euro plays a key role in making this possible. We can use it to buy or sell goods and services anywhere in the euro area.” Revelation 13, 17-18: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

Here is a little bit of truth coming out to the surface, under a strata of crap, crap and more crap:

“Most Europeans want to have cash as a payment option and many view it as essential to their freedom: cash is easy to obtain, inclusive, universally accepted across the euro area and offers the highest level of privacy” – exactly. It is why cash is king and we must push back by using cash!

But this is not their solution. Their solution is to have the ECB working on a digital euro. Don’t be fooled. First it will be voluntary. Then it will become compulsory maybe not by force, but by having all contexts digitalised which will leave you with no option. Do you understand how your way of living is changed gradually?

I love the article’s concluding note: “As the world around us changes and geopolitical risks grow, we need to keep up the momentum. Together, we can ensure that the euro – our single currency – is ready for the digital era and continues to underpin the freedoms Europeans hold dear.”

As the world around us is being forced to change with the same changes imposed upon us, while they bring about the growth of geopolitical risks, they will offer their solutions, for your safety, you know. So, we need to bow our heads while they even command our actions so we ‘keep up the momentum.’ They tell you what you should do, you see, so that together, we can ensure that cash is phased out and we are immersed in the digital era, while we exist as digital slaves which undermines the freedoms Europeans hold dear.

[Awesome response from those who know what is this plan behind this sugar-coated crap of Piero Cipollone]:

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