Through the imposed lockdowns, planet sustainable became obtainable

“Tyrannical Oligarchs are Only Beginning

To Implement Insanity Disguised as Winning

A War to Save Us from a Deadly Disease

Which We Mostly Defeat With Hardly a Sneeze,

If it weren’t for the Swab-on-a-Stick,

Life Would Continue, No Need for The Prick

Or the Tracking Apps for 5G Surveillance

And Mask Suffocation to Prove our Obeyance

To The Wizard-of-Laws Spewing Out Rules,

Crafting the Normals into Hysterical Fools

Sanity, Once Fresh, Logical, Turned to Curd,

Terror-News T.V. is Theatre-of-the Absurd,

Rights Won through Getting Up Off Our Knees

Tossed Like Confetti, Masters to Please,

Satisfying Psychopaths Hasn’t a Chance,

After Every Compliance they Again Advance

To Their Brave New World for Deserving Few,

Post Non-Essential, Post-Excess, Mostly-Post-You.”

© Alan Watt Jan. 31, 2021

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