Through the alleged bird flu, we are witnessing more sinister globalist tactics to attack farmers, reduce food production and bring back more experimental vaccines

Europe, as we have already seen, has acquired 40 million doses of bird flu vaccine. Together with the United States, Europe will take steps to vaccinate at-risk poultry and dairy workers, veterinarians and lab technicians, according to government officials. And then such steps will be widened to anyone who has been in contact with such workers, no?

The usual experts said that through these vaccines, they could curb the threat of a pandemic. It is the century of pandemics.

“U.S officials said they were moving bulk vaccine from CSL Seqirus (CSL.AX), opens new tab that closely matches the current virus into finished shots that could provide 4.8 million doses of vaccine.” European health officials acquired CSL’s prepandemic vaccine. Prepandemic?

“In March, U.S. officials reported the first outbreak of the virus in dairy cattle, which has infected dozens of herds in nine states and two dairy workers. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has estimated that 20% of the U.S. milk supply shows signs of the virus, indicating a wider spread is likely.” The world must prepare itself for a shortage of cattle, and milk, it seems.

Isn’t it a BIRD flu? What has cattle to do with it?

“Human exposures to the virus in poultry and dairy operations could increase the risk that the virus will mutate and gain the ability to spread easily in people.” This time it is not a bat, but chickens. Aliens next.

Recently, in an Australian farm where there was an alleged bird flu outbreak, 400,000 chickens were euthanised. This is the seventh farm. The world must prepare itself for a shortage of eggs.

Now here comes their usual appointed experts to sell you the propaganda:

“All of our efforts need to be focused on preventing those events from happening,” said Matthew Miller, co-director of the Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub at McMaster University. “Once we have widespread infections of humans, we’re in big trouble.”

Dr. Angela Rasmussen, a virologist at the University of Saskatchewan, said she has been in discussions with U.S. and Canadian officials about using vaccines to protect workers following the virus’ spread into new mammal species.”

“Dawn O’Connell of the U.S. Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response said the government is ‘looking closely’ at the possibility of vaccinating farm workers and others in close contact with the virus.”

The U.S. has contracts with CSL and GSK to test prepandemic vaccines that more closely match the circulating virus than older H5N1 vaccines in the stockpile. The U.S. is moving forward with the CSL vaccine, a Department of Health and Human Services official confirmed”.

Discussions about prepandemic vaccine use are going on at government levels and among scientists in a number of places, including in the UK, said Wendy Barclay, chair in influenza virology at University College London, who also researches avian flu for the UK Health Security Agency”.

If deployed strategically to dairy farmers, healthcare workers and those in close contact with infected animals, ‘it would put a pin in the virus,’ she said, although she said it was not clear if this step was necessary yet.

“The U.S. maintains a stockpile of prepandemic vaccine candidates and bulk vaccine against an array of influenza strains and conducts clinical trials to support an Emergency Use Authorization or FDA license in the event of pandemic.” Jaħasra, just in case, that is…

“Seasonal flu vaccine makers, including Sanofi (SASY.PA), opens new tab, could also be asked to shift to producing pandemic flu vaccines.” How can they make more profit?

“The U.S. is in talks with mRNA vaccine makers Pfizer (PFE.N), opens new tab and Moderna (MRNA.O), opens new tab about potential pandemic vaccines.” Rest assured that they are all experimental vaccines.

“Dr. Richard Webby, a St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital virologist who studies flu in animals and birds for the World Health Organization, said the situation in dairy cattle merits vaccine use.” Why not? Will they give you another solution?

“If we look at the exposure levels that some of these farmers are getting, it’s high,” Webby said. The usual fearmongering, alarmist tactics.

“The decision on how and when to use the vaccine will hinge on evidence of increased transmission, severity of disease, cases in people with no link to a dairy farm and mutations in the virus,” U.S. corrupt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Principal Deputy Director Nirav Shah said.

Dutch flu virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, who has conducted experiments mapping the changes necessary for bird flu to spark a pandemic, said Europe’s plan is to procure the CSL vaccine for people occupationally exposed to the virus”.

“His lab could well be eligible if a vaccine becomes available, he said, adding, ‘I would certainly take it.'” If his lab could become eligible, then there is conflict of interest and his statements are compromised.

The UK government did not comment but said it is monitoring the situation in the U.S.

These are more sinister globalist tactics to attack farmers, reduce food production and bring back more experimental vaccines.

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