They give us our reality while distracting us from the real agenda so to change the culture and the system

“Hi. This is Alan and it is the 11th of October already 2006 and I’ll probably doing more of these ‘blurbs,’ as I call them, since it seems my bridge has been burned behind me.

I find a lot of the Christian radio stations, now that they know where I stand, haven’t been calling me back and that’s okay, because you have to be true to yourself and you can’t allow yourself to be used by other people who have their ‘own agendas,’ and really that’s what a lot of them do. They bring someone on who brings the guests to listen in and they try to have you agree with their particular format or belief system where God’s in control and after they terrify the public for half an hour or an hour.

They tell you God’s in control and so sit back and let it happen. On the other hand, you have the very New Age type shows which are deliberately set out there probably by the CIA whose job it is to make people live in a fantasy world where nothing is real anymore and don’t worry about what’s happening in your life or around you or to you even. It doesn’t matter. Just try and get out-of-body experiences and let’s look for a face on Mars perhaps, et cetera, et cetera.

It gets monotonous in a sense when you have to cater to particular ‘deliberate agendas.’  Some of course just want to make money and fascination will always attract people. We all use imagination. That’s part of living. Imagination is part of creativity and it’s also part of a relaxation, a natural tranquilizer. Whether you’re reading a book or in fact just letting your mind ramble into places unknown, that’s good for you at times but you can’t live in it forever and you can’t take it serious a lot of the stuff they’re talking about because they’re trying to literally disable your conscious mind from being critical in its analysis of what’s happening around.

On previous shows I’ve mentioned a newspaper report that was in most of the American newspapers and it was also in the Boston Globe I think it was. It was by an adviser to President Bush talking to reporters and he says: ‘We give you your reality’ – meaning the think tanks and the advisers that work for them and work for presidents. We give you the reality and that becomes your reality because you write about it. You discuss it and when you’ve accepted that reality we’ll give you another reality and that will become your reality too. I’m paraphrasing it here, but that’s basically what he was saying and he was telling a truth because most of the media’s announcements today amount to drama for the public. It’s drama. It’s an ongoing soap opera.

Sure enough, like Brzezinski said, ‘shortly the public will be unable to reason and think for themselves. All they’ll be able to do is to parrot their download from the previous night’s news,’ and he said that years ago and it’s happened. It’s come to pass.

They give us the scandals. They give us the topics to be concerned about, while the big topics—what the ‘REAL AGENDA‘ is—is never ever even come close to on the mainstream media. That’s not their job. Their job is to distract you. Shakespeare said it, and he belonged to a certain class, he said, ‘all the world’s a stage and we are but the players,’ and, of course, he was telling the truth.

Mainstream has ALWAYS BEEN for control purposes, a control factor and it’s never changed because mind control works that way. Societal control works by creating cultures, reinforcing the culture, even when you’re changing it the public never suspect it’s even happening. So they give you all this drama and of course when they’re making big changes to their own system, mind you, the big boys give you lots of fear, lots of terror to worry about: coming plagues, global warming, wars abroad.

Everything that could be done by science today they can actually do, but they’re terrifying the life out of the public and that keeps them on edge. We sort of neurotically drift through from one phase to the next. It’s a standard technique.

This upcoming song pretty well sums it up and that was done many years ago.

Song: “Good News Week” by Hedgehoppers Anonymous

It’s good news week,
Someone’s dropped a bomb somewhere,
Contaminating atmosphere
And blackening the sky,
It’s good news week,
Someone’s found a way to give,
The rotting dead a will to live,
Go on and never die.

Have you heard the news?
What did it say?
Who’s won that race?
What’s the weather like today?

It’s good news week,
Families shake the need for gold,
By stimulating birth control,
We’re wanting less to eat.

It’s good news week,
Doctors finding many ways,
Of wrapping brains in metal trays,
To keep us from the heat.

It’s good news week,
Someone’s dropped a bomb somewhere,
Contaminating atmosphere
And blackening the sky,
It’s good news week,
Someone’s found a way to give,
The rotting dead a will to live,
Go on and never die.

Have you heard the news?
What did it say?
Who’s won that race?
What’s the weather like today?
(What’s the weather like today?)

It’s good news week,
Families shake the need for gold,
By stimulating birth control,
We’re wanting less to eat.

It’s good news week,
Doctors finding many ways,
Of wrapping brains in metal trays,
To keep us from the heat.

To keep us from the heat.
To keep us from the heat.

To keep us from the heat.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix]

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