There has never been neither a covid virus nor a lab leak of the same virus

There would have been no need to rename all other respiratory illness (including flu) deaths as “Covid deaths,” to fabricate “cases” using phony PCR testing, to artificially inflate the death numbers by including deaths of any cause (within 28 days of a “positive” test), or to manufacture the “first wave” by killing thousands of elderly people with midazolam/remdesivir.

If Covid was a deadly “bioweapon,” “leaked from a lab” in Wuhan to cause maximum death and destruction, there would have been no need for any of these actions. A true virus was never needed by them. Actually, a real virus would have been too complex and unpredictable to be able to control and steer in their favor. It would be considerably more effective to just create the impression of one among the public through a round-the-clock psychological warfare effort spread by mainstream media sources that are bought and paid for all around the world. It’s no coincidence that we suddenly had mainstream media “admitting” that “Covid was leaked from a lab” when the Covid narrative collapsed and the widespread anxiety it inspired subsided.

The “lab leak” narrative was actually the secondary, “backup” official narrative, despite the initial appearance of the “primary” official narrative rejecting it. Both stories want you to think that China, whether through negligence or deliberate action, released a dangerous virus onto the world and that the West’s justifiable response was to escalate the fight against China.

When are people going to stop spreading the myth that the elites were just “caught off surprise and had no idea how to respond” and that COVID was an “accident”?

The first issue with this theory is that, should COVID be purposefully generated in a laboratory, it could also be purposefully spilled from that facility.

But sure, let us assume and believe that they created a virus that is extremely contagious but not deadly enough to wipe out humanity, and they “accidentally” released it right before the world’s elites were about to complete Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, their long-term plans.

As the West continues to crumble, globalists are actively positioning China to become the next NWO powerhouse, and it is there that the virus was “coincidentally” released. Coincidentally, China and the UN are working together to carry out Agenda 21 across Eurasia through the Belt and Road Initiative, (BRI or B&R), which in China is known as the One Belt One Road, or which is referred to as the New Silk Road. “It is a GLOBAL infrastructure development STRATEGY adopted by the CHINESE GOVERNMENT in 2013 to invest in more than 150 countries and international organizations.” It is “composed of six urban development land corridors linked by road, rail, energy, and digital infrastructure and the Maritime Silk Road linked by the development of ports.”

[Side note: Historically, the Maritime Silk Road or Maritime Silk Route “is the maritime section of the historic Silk Road that connected Southeast Asia, East Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Arabian Peninsula, eastern Africa and Europe. The Silk Road was a network of Eurasian trade routes active from the second century BCE until the mid-15th century, spanning over 6,400km and playing a central role in facilitating economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between the East and the West”. When it comes to the Chinese sea route infrastructure initiative talked above – the Maritime Silk Road, please read here.]

2010 saw the publication of Operation Lockstep by the Rockefeller Foundation. It perfectly sums up the plandemic: a virus that starts in China quickly spreads to the rest of the world, devastating Western economies. China’s “rapid imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens,” however, preserved the nation’s economy.

Just prior to the plandemic’s announcement in 2019, the World Economic Forum hosted Event 201, a gathering of global leaders simulating “an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus […] leading to a severe pandemic.”

In 2016, the United Nations revealed its intention to establish a worldwide “digital identity” system, while in 2018, the European Union declared its intention to establish a “vaccine passport” system. By now, it should be clear that the digital identity system is represented by the so-called “vaccine passports”.

The “Great Reset” itself is just another repackaging of Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development Goals with a twist of transhumanism, a concept first introduced in 1950 by UNESCO’s first director Julian Huxley.

These ambitious plans have been in the works for many years, if not millennia. Why would the spreading of a virus be unrelated to the schemes of globalism? Or simply planning a widespread misinformation operation to rename the common cold and flu as “COVID”?

What we are witnessing is the last-ditch effort by the global elite to impose a technocratic system—which was tested in Communist China—on the masses under the banner of worldwide Communism. AI surveillance, social credit systems, smart cities, the eradication of families, nations, and religion, as well as the abolition of private property. Everything is at that place.

If the virus was accidentally released without aim, then this represents the clearest historical instance of a “grand elite conspiracy” in the annals of grand elite conspiracies.

The goal of the Ruling Families and their supporters/henchmen/puppets is to establish a one-world government that unites communism and super capitalism under one roof, all under their authority. Do you mean a plot? Indeed, I do. I firmly believe that there is such a plot, one that is extremely nasty in aim, has a global scale, and has been planned for generations.

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