The whole agenda is to destroy the economy so that we are on our knees & then they rebuild back better, according to their own terms & conditions

“You have no idea, across the planet, how many millions of people are employed to observe you and monitor you and manipulate you. Every country’s got banks and banks and banks of these behavioral insights teams’ characters with their behavioral degrees in sociology and psychology, all for social change, you see, manipulated change, desirable change. Always for the, they’ll always put it under the guise of for the public good, right.  But you still vote, and you think you’re free. It’s just incredible how well it works, you know. Really, isn’t it, that people keep voting and voting and voting for the same system that obviously has leaders that don’t run for election. The leaders decide who is going to get in, and they just swap them around every so often. We’ll give you these guys this time and these guys the next time and so on and so on.  But the same main agendas continue.

Right now, of course you see with Biden getting back in, and at least being the puppet for a while before Kamala takes over because that’s the whole point of bringing him in, she could never have gotten then in her own anyway. Neither could he actually.  [Alan chuckles.]  But it doesn’t matter.  It really doesn’t matter who they put in front of you.  They’re on board now with and they will obey their masters, these supposed leaders, they’ll obey their masters and get the wars all going. You see it all getting ramped up already for the continuation of where they kind of, didn’t leave off but at least they quieted it down a little bit, you know, across Syria and Iran and different countries. But they’re right on track again, they’re back on target as we continue the same agenda.

And if Trump had, if it was his job, if he had been told, look, this is your job, Donald, you know, make sure these wars continue, and if he did that he would have been fine. But the elite masters themselves had him play a different role, you see. Because, you see, they want a massive change, and you’ve got to first disillusion the people, win them over to follow somebody, then disillusion them, completely, so you’re disillusioned with the system, and you WILL put up with a more totalitarian authoritarian system. That’s what this is all about right now.

You can’t have Covid coming out, as I said last year into this year, you can’t have it coming out with really massive, exaggerated death counts and so on when everyone has been lumped in with it across the planet, and so many top scientists and medical professionals and the whole bit coming out giving completely contrary facts of what’s observed in hospitals by themselves and in laboratories, etc. You can’t have that all happening and being totally ignored, and the complete destruction of everyone’s economy, that’s the big one, right, which is a wartime scenario, you’ve got to destroy the economy of your enemy and you flattened them and you’ve got them on their knees, hm.  And then you rebuild again, they call it rebuilding back better. This is the whole agenda for the 21st century, the whole century getting rammed through quickly, not just the 2015 part and 2030 part and so on, 2045 part.  This is much, much more getting rammed through quickly under a wartime scenario using Covid as the front.  So, they are not going to let go and back off because of it. They’re not going to do it. I said that last year.

But you can’t have all that happening at the same time as you’re having Black Lives Matter and Antifa going through US cities with their leaders, well-trained leaders, burning places down and looting and all that. You can’t have all that happening in the same year.  Hm?  It doesn’t happen like that. It really doesn’t. And nothing is allowed to happen without the Masters’ consent at the top. In fact, even with, by their order in fact, it doesn’t happen otherwise.  Believe you me, you’re not living in a system that sporadic things just happen by themselves. It doesn’t happen.  It doesn’t happen.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, January 31st, 2021]

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