The whole agenda is to destroy the economy and the Greeks are being put on their knees and imposed to work for six days a week

My sympathy goes to the Greek nation. My thoughts and prayers are with the Greek workers.

As from Monday 1st July, communism in Greece is taking a step up. Certain industries and businesses are expected to switch to a work week of six days or forty-eight hours, instead of the traditional forty. Do you see the date of 1st of July as a common factor? In Malta, for example, we must change the black bag into a transparent one from the 1st of July. Communism continues to set dates with communist targets.

According to the Greek government, the new ‘rules,’ that is, manifesto impositions from the communists, should simplify economic management, increase productivity, and reduce overtime costs, while helping to fill unemployment gaps and combat illegal work. The Greek government is sugar-coating its bullshit and sour pills with sweet lies. “The European Union and its member states have so far granted Ukraine $156 billion in military, financial, and humanitarian aid since the start of the Russia-Ukraine war on Feb. 24, 2022.” The more they keep on giving more funding for Ukraine, the more it appears that they are giving free lessons and doing free practice on how to sink an economy.

Have politicians and the EU create economic problems with debt and more debt. The reaction would be a shitty economy. The solution is for you to work for six days and forty-eight hours. In the eyes of the self-appointed demi-gods, you are just a pathetic productive slave, you see.

This is not the first time that Greece has been faced with such a proposal. In yet another economic crisis thanks to debt that started in 2009, the creditors DEMANDED that THE GREEKS WORK MUCH MORE. At the time, the country had to introduce strict austerity measures with the aim of being able to obtain billions of euros in bailouts. Did you know that in 2015 Greece owed its top two foreign creditors – the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) – roughly $264.5 million (75% of its total debt) and Germany 56 billion euros ($61.1 billion)? But not even at the time such a six-day work measure was introduced.

Up till this day, many Greek citizens still suffer due to burdens that have been placed on them in recent years thanks to the bloody politicians and the psychopathic self-appointed overlords.

Economic analysts in the country consider that the new measure of a six-day work week will not solve major economic problems that exist, while many workers, who are not represented by trade unions, will be forced to work more hours in order not to lose the job. Communism won’t have it otherwise. So, if such a measure won’t be not even fruitful for their bloody economy, why are the Greeks being enslaved more and more? Didn’t the Greek government see the economy growing by 2.9% this year after economic growth expanded by 2% in 2023, outperforming most of its European peers, while the debt ratio is seen declining to 152.3% of gross domestic product in 2024 from a high of 206% in 2020? So what’s the need to have workers enslaved to a six-day working system? According to the article, it is because of the high rate of unemployment. Today Greece is facing unemployment of 10.3% predicted for this year and 9.7% next year.

And when politicians have had enough from being drunk in a binge and they could not care less about the outcome as long as the economic cauldron blows up, they scamper off the rich, leaving the small taxpayer to clean up their mess they made in the first place. Keep on voting for the puppets and swing from one party to the next, wearing the blindfold of stupidity and partisanship when all parties are feathers of the same bird. What you allow, continues.

The Great Reset is the process by which unelected psychopaths purposefully cause turmoil in order to reconstruct the world in their own twisted vision. The whole agenda is to destroy the economy so that we are on our knees and then they rebuild back better, according to their own terms & conditions – better for them, not for you.

And as nations continue to fall deeper and deeper into debt, Greece in this case, the Greeks are being put on their knees and coerced to work six days a week, while their money went to foreign creditors and to Ukraine, while they received the debt from that ‘free money.’

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