The video game ‘Shattered Union’

Alan Watt: “We’ve also got Steve in Ontario. Are you there, Steve? Hello Steve.
Steve: Yes I’m here, Alan.

Alan: Yes, go ahead.

Steve: Good evening and another example of what I think would be predictive programming, I know you touched on this last weekend. There’s a game called ‘Shattered Union’ which is forecasted in the future. I think it’s probably 2015 or somewhere around there and it talks about heroism in the U.S. and marshal law is the theme of the game and how some of the states succeeded from the U.S. Very interesting if you’re to search on Shattered Union. You can see a flash video of the video game. I think it came out about a year ago and it’s almost like I said a predictive program of what may be to come, which is interesting, and it may be a game that was released from the big game developers.

Alan: Yes. Before that even came out, some years ago there was a movie that came out. I think Bruce Willis was in it and I never went to see it because I knew exactly what it would be all about. Sure enough, it was a lockdown of the entire city by the military long before 9/11 came along and it was getting everyone ready for what was happening today with the military in charge and marshal law and all the rest of it. All of these things together are parts of the same predictive programming so that the generations who grow up in it — do you realize shortly that young people will think it’s always been this way that you go into a subway and there’s guys there with machineguns and all this and searching people? They’ll think that’s the natural way because it’s all they will know. It’s all they will know and that’s why we have to stop this now before this generation gets to that stage, because once that’s happened the following generation it will be even easier with them. That will be the natural being searched and scanned and all the rest of it everywhere you go and that’s what they intend to do. They’re on their way and we’ve got
to stop it now and it’s all predictive programming. They’re giving these games out to the children getting them ready for it and they’ll think nothing of it. It will seem quite natural as we go into a totalitarian form of existing.”

[From Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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