The ushering in of the Anglo-American System

Alan Watt: “Now we’ve got Patty from Illinois on the phone. Are you there, Patty?

Patty: Hello. Hi Alan. Just to kind of go along with what you’re talking about, last Tuesday I attended the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the man speaking his name was Walter Russell Mead. He was a Henry A. Kissinger Senior Fellow for the U.S. Foreign Policy Council on Foreign Relations, so this meeting was sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations. They talked with the Road to 2008 American Leadership in an Uncertain World and interesting when he first got up, he stated that they’re a very small group that meet, because he’s part of the Round Table groups and he mentioned that, that this is a very small group and he was glad to be in Chicago meeting with his colleagues there and basically his whole talk was about bringing the Anglo-American system to the world, and he kept calling it a system. He used a lot of catch phrases, like you said in freemasonry, ‘bringing order out of the chaos.’ He also made some comments that if the Americans don’t continue bringing and using God and bringing it to other countries and our system, even though we have to be kind and nice about it, we need to bring it, that catastrophes would fall on America if we didn’t continue bringing these systems in. He also stated that other countries, countries that won’t bring in this Anglo-American system will probably perish.

Alan: Will probably. They probably will. They’ll make sure of that.

Patty: It was quite amazing really to sit there listening and the way he talked kind of reminded me of that audio you have on Aldous Huxley just saying all these things as if this is a natural evolution. He wasn’t talking like there was any real powerful people, but that it was somehow some American, British, all us normal people, just want to run around and do this kind of stuff, you know.

Alan: That’s right. It’s evolving happenstance, happenstance evolution. That’s right, it’s all just happening through some strange unknown force of nature.

Patty: He was promoting his book, ‘God and Gold: Britain and America and the Making of the Modern World.’ It was interesting, it was kind of expensive but I wanted to go, I heard about it and a friend asked me to go, so I thought well this would be kind of interesting. I did ask a question. I was a little bit nervous but I did say to him, because he kept saying we’re spreading democracy and everything, and I asked him. I said, his colleagues had written, devoted a whole Foreign Affairs magazine to the rise of China and in it they stated that in fact that they used to believe that democracy would bring freedom and economic stable countries, but that China now was proof that you no longer needed a democracy to have an economic giant, that you could a totalitarian dictatorship; so I asked him, since his own people said that you know a booming economy can be from a totalitarian dictatorship and given that Americans getting more and more, you know with the Patriot Act I and I, more and more laws, regulations and less freedoms, does it seem kind of odd that we’re trying to go round the world promoting democracy?

Alan: That’s right. You see democracy has never had a stable definition in its history.

Patty: He didn’t like my question very much.

Alan: That’s right and this is the thing too. One the high members of the Trilateral Commission from Harvard University, who wrote a lot of books on behalf of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, was Samuel P. Huntington. He wrote a book called ‘Crisis of
Democracy’ where he said because of exactly what you’re talking about, they’d have to change the entire system for the whole world and promote it through a thousand different organizations and it would take massive propaganda to encourage the public along this path. It’s a good book, Crisis of Democracy, by Professor Samuel P. Huntington, right from the horse’s mouth, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. They tell you right in there the kind of system, exactly what you’re talking about too, a sort of benevolent dictatorship for the world, where your betters would know what’s best for you and decide what you’d do for your whole life, from birth to death.

Patty: He also went on about how technology was advancing so rapidly that that would also be used.

Alan: Whatever is dished out now they had back in the ’40’s and ’50’s, it’s just that they hadn’t told us, so they know the score. They’ve planned it this way and shortly you’ll see the marshal law. It’s starting to step out now. It’s not just on the books. We’ll see it in the streets shortly. They’re actually searching people going in and out of subways now. That’s the start of it and so it’s on a complete roll and if the public don’t stop — actually, if the public start not cooperating with them now it’s the only chance they’ve got, because it’s going to get worse very quickly.

Patty: That’s true, very quickly, because they’re very sure of themselves. He was very, very arrogant.

Alan: Extremely so; and that’s the greatest time actually to get these characters, when they’re in a high of arrogance. They don’t expect people to come forward and scattered all over the planet and start saying, ‘No, no. We’re not having it this way. We never elected you to do these things’; and these guys, most of them, are not elected anyway. They’re advisers and they have no more say in how the world should go than anyone else on the planet and we’ve got to start forcing that through there. They have no more say or rights over anyone else or how anyone else should live than anyone else has or you have over your neighbors. That’s basically how it should be and it’s got to be or we’re doomed.

Patty: Yes. I’ve known people who have stood up and they have faced a big penalty for it.

Alan: Yes you will, but if more and more people start doing it, eventually they can’t keep up with it. They can’t put enough people in jail. They can’t fine them enough. They don’t have enough courts to handle it and they really hate being exposed. You see the whole trick of the Wizard of Oz is that he’s behind that curtain. He’s under a veil — it’s almost a separation from the public and himself. He has a badge in front of him, you might say. It’s got authority given to him that we are all taught to respect, but like all authority, it’s only an idea. It’s only an acceptance of the public. That’s where they get their authority ultimately from, and what they’re trying to do is turn it into the social infantile system where you view your parents in awe. You look at your parents in absolute awe when you’re very, very small, they’re gods to you; and that’s what they’re trying to do is bring that system back and make us perpetual children and to view them as somehow giants and superior as parental type figures, and we’ve got to put the balance back and say oh no. You go to the bathroom the same way as I do. You drop your pants on the toilet the same as I do and you’re no different whatsoever, regardless of what little title some idiot has given you, but you have no say in what I do with my life or how I should live my life; and that’s what we’ve got to tell them now.

Patty: Yes. It was amazing because there really wasn’t anybody challenging him. It was really a woman who introduced him she acted like she was introducing God himself or something.

Alan: There you go. That’s exactly what it is.

Patty: It’s very strange.

Alan: That’s what Bertrand Russell said, we shall create a world run by experts, and he also mentioned the groups that would form and they’d be devoted to them, devoted followers that would help. They’d be all the workers, the useful idiots that would bring it into being and we’re seeing it. We’ve grown up in this society with this happening before we were born. Now it’s on a roll, but when they’re so arrogant and they start making their declarations, that’s when you have to remember, wait a minute here. They’re supposed to be serving us, everybody we elect. I keep telling people that you don’t elect anybody to anything, even your local council, until their whole life and every association they belong to and have sworn allegiance to is on the table. If they won’t give it to you then they should not be able to run at all for any position.

Patty: I’m hopeful that maybe things will change but when you were talking about that having them pushing having the one child again and everything, I already hear people talking that they think certain people that probably shouldn’t have children.

Alan: That’s right. I remember hearing my own family saying it to me.

Patty: They’re already talking about it and it’s like oh, my gosh you know.

Alan: That’s the whole thing. This is control freak time and the control freaks even at the bottom level who’ve watched all the same television shows and propaganda will always side with those that they see as the most powerful and they all adopt their views as well. Of course, they always think that they’re superior than their neighbors and somehow it doesn’t affect them. Of course it will affect them, and that’s what they always find out in the long run, it affects everyone down at the bottom, but not the elite. That’s the only ones that it won’t affect. However, this starting off with children is to get the children used to it, because the generation that will come up in 10 years will be told that if you get sterilized, after massive indoctrination into saving the planet, then they’re doing the world a favor and they will get exemptions from heavy taxes and so on. Little brownie points if they’re good citizens.

Patty: It’s unbelievable. But I was at the doctor’s office and there was a cartoon on. I didn’t know what the name of the cartoon at the time was but I researched it later and I guess it’s a popular cartoon called ‘The Fairly Odd Parents’ or something. It’s a Nickelodeon cartoon and the guy in it tells this little kid, ‘Eat your genetically modified food. It will make you super strong and give you powers.’ I was like oh my gosh, I couldn’t believe it.

Alan: I know.

Patty: Right on a cartoon.

Alan: There’s so much in the cartoons, even there’s one there with a cartoon professor, all the animals and the rabbit was sick. What was making him sick was he couldn’t eat his lettuce anymore and the scientist says, don’t worry, children, we can alter his DNA and he’ll be able to eat carrots or different kinds of vegetables; that was in the cartoon.

Patty: That was in the cartoon. Oh gosh.

Alan: See, everything is propaganda. Everything is propaganda.

Patty: Yes, but I guess I was brought up with Mickey Mouse and I couldn’t see it. Now that I can, I know what that is, I was like oh my gosh, M-I-C, see you real soon.

Alan: They even took out all the scenes where the characters like Bugs Bunny and so on had cigars in their mouths. That’s now politically incorrect so they’ve removed them from the old cartoons. That’s the Orwellian stuff you see happening, down the memory hole, just snip out the parts you don’t like. Thanks for calling, Patty.

Patty: Well thank you and nice talking to you, Alan, and I’m glad you have this show. It’s been really great.

Alan: Thanks and call again.

Patty: All right, take care. Bye.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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