The true reality of Italy where Italians are struggling to make ends meet

As the world continues to fall deeper and deeper into debt, we should all be getting frustrated and push back the regime. Inflation alone is destroying families and people, who are still struggling to recover from the incompetence of the political puppets of the year 2020.

Here is the situation in our neighbour country, Italy.

“Even if some indicators show slight improvements compared to 2023, the situation of Italian families remains critical. This was revealed by the new Eurispes survey presented today, Friday 24 May 2024. And the data is that over half of Italians are unable to make it to the end of the month without major difficulties (57.4%). Furthermore, bills (33.1%), rent (45.5%) and mortgage payments (32.1%) represent a problem for many households. And to make ends meet, many are forced to ask their family of origin for help (32.1%), or to resort to purchasing in installments (42.7%). Furthermore, almost three out of 10 Italians (28.3%) also give up treatment, dental interventions or medical checks.

Almost 40% of Italians are drawings on savings, more than half think that the economic situation has worsened.

But the indicators do not leave too much room for hope for the future either. However, 40.9% of citizens state that their personal and family economic situation has remained stable in the last 12 months. Although with varying intensity, overall 35.4% of Italians report a worsening of their economic condition, while only 14.2% speak of an improvement. Just over one in four manages to save (28.3%), while 36.8% draws on savings to make ends meet.

The majority of Italians (55.5%) believe that the country’s economic situation has worsened over the last year, for 18.6% the situation has remained stable, while only one Italian in ten (10%) ) indicated signs of improvement.

Looking to the future, citizens are instead cautious: for 33.2% the Italian economic situation will remain stable in the next twelve months. Pessimists, who expect a worsening, are 31.6%, while 10.8% expect a period of economic growth. 

Data that gives rise to opposition and inflames political controversy: “The picture of the Eurispes Report tells us a lot about the real state of our country: almost 60 percent of Italians struggle to make it to the end of the month. Poverty is increasing, many families will have to give up treatment, rents will increase – underlines Democratic Party senator Francesco Boccia who adds – Giorgia Meloni and her government with failed promises and amnesties, with cuts and wrong and authoritarian reforms are impoverishing Italy and isolating it in Europe.”

The poor get bullets and the bombers get medals. Contracts for the rich and a cell for the rebels. (imprisoned journalist Julian Assange)

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