The Swine Flu Massacre was just another test run – 16,000 died thanks to the Swine Flu Vaccine (2)

Nor have the Washington Post’s prize-winning teams of “investigative reporters” expressed any interest in the murders; neither have Nuremberg trials been suggested for the officials who orchestrated and carried out the Great Swine Flu Massacre of 1976. The explanation is probably that they are still too busy writing more “revelations” about Watergate, which they continue to refer to as “the crime of the century” despite the fact that it only involved a few stooges being persuaded to break into a Washington office on the grounds that there would be solid evidence linking the Democratic Party to Castro’s Communist regime.

This “proof,” which has never been made public, is now outdated information due to Jimmy Carter’s desperate attempt to grant Cuba full diplomatic recognition, which would have meant giving its Communist thugs access to billions of dollars in aid. This is all happening against the comforting backdrop of George McGovern’s unceasing praises for Castro’s great soul and purity.

Because leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties participated in the campaign to herd the victims to the death offices of the “health” officials, the American people has been misled into believing that the swine flu massacre was a result of bipartisan political efforts. Some speculated that it was just another “big money” scam carried out by the biological parasites of Zionism, who never stop looking for new ways to take advantage of their obedient host people. But the total cost of the swine flu operation was only $135,000,000, a little amount compared to the rabble-rousing Jews who routinely loot the US Treasury for billions of dollars. This amount only makes up a fraction of what US taxpayers provide to the State of Israel annually!

The $135,000,000 windfall for the CEOs of the drug companies that had paid Gerald Ford’s bills for 25 years in Washington, D.C., and the false number of sixteen hundred Americans killed do not adequately capture the magnitude of the swine flu tragedy.

The true cause of the swine flu deaths is slow-acting poisoning that may not cause death from cancer or heart failure for years after injection, along with genocide. The ironically called federal Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia—yes, the same place that gave birth to our current leader—is where this narrative starts. First, the “swine flu” was a novel illness created by the federal scientists in this rat’s nest. There has never been a single instance of “swine flu” that has been conclusively confirmed in an American individual!

The scientists falsely claimed that a young soldier at Ft. Dix, New Jersey, had perished from the “swine flu” in order to justify their desire for a nationwide program of vaccination with their new toxin. With a predicted death toll of between sixty and one hundred million, this sickness was now prepared to wreak havoc on the entire US population! According to the scientists, the only way to prevent this catastrophe would be for every American to receive an immunization.

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