The Swine Flu Massacre was just another test run – 16,000 died thanks to the Swine Flu Vaccine (1)

A big line of nervous and afraid people had gathered in front of a nearby “health clinic.” The queue moved slowly forward and entered a little space where “technicians” in white coats gave each patient an injection of a highly toxic chemical poison in the arm. Some of the victims passed out as soon as the poison entered their veins. The “technicians” reassured the anxious audience that they had nothing to fear as they swiftly hauled them into another room. All they’ve done is pass out.

This startling scene is fairly well-known. We have seen countless films depicting these horrors, directed by Jewish triumphants who maintain the Nazis in Germany were indeed responsible for these crimes. That being said, this is not 1944 Germany in the scene above. Anywhere in this nation during the Great Swine Flu Massacre of 1976 is the United States. Such a horrific celebration of the Bicentennial of the United States by waging a nationwide campaign of genocide against its population and assigning President Gerald Ford to personally spearhead this effort could only have been imagined by the deranged mind of the Jew.

Such a tragedy, as celebrating the Bicentennial Year of the United States by waging a national campaign of genocide against its population and appointing President Gerald Ford to personally head this effort, could only have been imagined by the deranged mind of the Jew. The campaign was really a test run for a much larger national plan of “eliminating” “non-productive” citizens, which will be implemented at a later date. Ford’s Folly, as it was later known, cost him reelection to the White House as the suppressed information about the hundreds of victims slowly leaked out.

The American public were alarmed by frightening “rumors” of sudden death and severe side effects, including multiple forms of paralysis, even before the national swine flu injection program had started. Simply put, they were “rumors” as the American public health community officially repudiated them as “lies” and the country’s press repressed them. The officials finally acknowledged that “one or two” people had collapsed and died of acute heart failure after receiving the poison after several weeks of frantic attempts to fulfill their declared aim of injecting this poison into every American.

This number was kept changing in the following weeks, and eventually the authorities acknowledged that slightly more than 200 people had passed away following vaccination. The precise number, which Washington has never disclosed, is sixteen hundred people who passed away right after receiving an injection. The injection program was carried out by the officials notwithstanding these casualties until December 16, 1976, when public protest led to its formal termination.

One public health official in Pennsylvania, a bearded hippie type with the standard “Mad Commissar” appearance that is now standard for the members of our Marxist bureaucracy, asserted on national television during the critical period when the officials refused to budge from their program of mass murder by injection. He claimed that the victims “would have died anyway.” Any commandant of a Soviet death camp in Siberia would have been proud of this statement’s cynicism.

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