The ‘Shift Team’ or Caroline Muscat of The Shift News does not approve my comment on its article and instead deletes it

In response to the article on The Shift News, I replied with a comment to another commentator who said that it is only thanks to The Shift that the readers get such revelations:

The comment awaited approval. A few hours later, I visited the article again to check, and, dear readers, just like magic, it was not there, because it was not approved:

What can one expect from this yet another mainstream media! I would like to ask Caroline Muscat if it was her who did not approve the comment. After all, The Shift‘s article was written by The Shift Team, and as far as its site states, The Shift Team is Caroline Muscat. This is what its site states. And what can one expect from Caroline Muscat, former News Editor of The Times and The Sunday Times of Malta? What can one expect from the female products of the patriarchy who do not support other women at all?

This is also professional jealousy and I can feel it in my bones and veins. Well, on the race track called life, there are some who make others eat the dust, and there are those who have to bite the dust. It’s life. But in this life run by the patriarchy, you also get the bitchy attitudes of the female products of the patriarchy.

But, dear The Shift, or Caroline Muscat, or The Shift Team, I tell you one thing: you can delete my comment, but you can never shut my mouth up. I happened to be blessed with great mental and spiritual strength, which outweighs your sick-minded personality of jealousy and competition, where you want to take all the credit while you put aside someone else as a non-existent prop.

I happened to be blessed with this “no competition mentality,” as I was in my sports days, as I am not here seeking to be the first to publish a scoop or whatever other idiotic race the media is on, which is such a disease in journalism. The aims of this site are otherwise.

And yet, the truth will one day, not that far away, become self-evident for all to see. Until that happens, I will not falter because what is in God’s divine plan will manifest because I know that God is watching over me every step of the way.

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