The Shift News confirms what this site has observed: there is a network of freemasonry behind the VGH deal

The Shift News confirmed what this site has observed – that there is a network of freemasonry behind the VGH deal. Another “biċċa blog” was confirmed, that is, while the “biċċa blogger” remains a non-existent prop.

In a piece published on 19th May on this site, I questioned if there is the network of freemasonry behind the VGH deal, because you do not have to have a big brain or do investigations to understand that there is their network. It is just a matter of recognising that what is evident is staring you in the face. It is just a matter of connecting the dots.

Now The Shift took up this site’s article, [no doubt about it], and went further to inform us that like Vassallo, Sladden and Hillman are also freemasons. The article, in italics, by The Shift, to which I added my reflections, is:

“Three individuals were identified as Freemasons and members of one of the main masonic lodges in Malta in the hospitals’ magisterial inquiry investigating the theft of millions of public funds.

The inquiry notes that the former Times of Malta managing director Adrian Hillman, his business partner, contractor Pierre Sladden, and Technoline owner Ivan Vassallo were all ‘brothers’ in a secret masonic lodge.

The inquiry also identified lawyer Larry Formosa of Gozitan Cosrya Legal as another Freemason. Formosa assisted Technoline’s Ivan Vassallo in transferring his company’s shares onto Hillman and Sladden, nominees for Keith Schembri and Konrad Mizzi, the inquiry found. Do you see? Now we are slowly getting the picture I referred to often – businessmen and lawyers, and they happened to ‘coincidentally’ do work for each other.

According to the inquiry, Vassallo occupied a prominent role in the Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta and acted as its Secretary General.

Research by The Shift confirmed the trio’s membership in Malta’s oldest Freemasons society, based in Valletta’s Marsamxett. It is unclear whether Hillman, Sladden, or Vassallo are still members.”

Now here’s the usual ’round and round the lodge we go, telling tales of high and lo’:

When The Shift contacted Simon Cusens, the Grand Master of the masonic lodge, he could not confirm whether Hillman, Sladden, and Vassallo had been expelled. If he cannot confirm, then are they still part of the lodge?

‘As you know, one of our main principles is secrecy, and we cannot share this information with non-members,’ he told The Shift. Of course, the secret society of secrets can never reveal who its members of ‘we freemasons are good people’ are. Imma l-aqwa li ‘we freemasons are good people.’

Of course! The secret society with secrets will never share information of corruption and infiltration in positions of high offices. Non-members? Malta and the majority of the honest, working Maltese people of good faith have a right to know what brews in lodges, at their expense! Because these three stooges were members of the Marsamxett lodge! We are talking about freemasons being in high positions of office being involved in corrupt deals! If Cusens understands what this means, then he should stop protecting freemasonry and his lodge.

‘What I can tell you is that when I took over as Grand Master in 2019, something which I take very seriously, Ivan Vassallo did not occupy any senior role in our masonic lodge,’ Cusens insisted. As if we should bother and care. It doesn’t matter, truly! And this has nothing to do with the roles Vassallo had in the lodge. He was a freemason, punto e basta. Moreover, Simon Cusens was the original owner of Technoline, as he himself explained to the Shift [tackled further down]. But don’t you find it strange, dear readers, that from the now Grand Master of the Marsamxett lodge, it ended up to another freemason, former secretary of the same lodge? Just a chequered floor coincidence…

Anyway. We continue with the ’round and round the lodge we go, telling tales of high and lo…’

The Shift tells us that freemasons are ‘appalled’ at inquiry conclusions. Jaħasra. The “We freemasons are good people” are innocent as doves.

‘At the same time, Cusens, whose family was the original owner of Technoline before it was sold to Vassallo and his hidden partners for €5 million, made it clear that he was appalled at what he read in the inquiry and what has been revealed so far.’ Jaħasra. Round and round the lodge we go, telling tales of high and lo.

‘As a society, we had nothing to do with what has happened. It’s disgusting,’ he told The Shift. Tell it to the Marines!

Cusens also referred to his name mentioned in the inquiry as the original owner of Technoline.

‘Ivan Vassallo was my employee at the time of the sale, and I knew he did not have the means to buy Technoline. However, during negotiations, he never let slip who his real financiers were,’ Cusens insisted.

As if….round and round the lodge we go, telling tales of high and lo. If Cusens knew that Vassallo did not have the means to buy Technoline, then why was it sold to Vassallo? Didn’t Cusens raise his eyebrows and get a bit suspicious?

‘What I can say is that my family business’s sale to Gateway Ltd was concluded after due diligence, and at that time, nothing of what we now know had emerged,’ he said.

Due diligence?Tell it to the Marines so hopefully they sail round and round the lodge, hearing tales of high and lo. We have a huge scandal here, with whole Malta on trial and Cusens talks of due diligence? Due diligence when he knew that Vassallo did not have the means to buy Technoline? At which stage did it go off course, then?

‘I had also consulted a serious lawyer to make sure that all was above board, and I have all documents to prove this,’ Cusens added. I hear “duck, duck goose.”

Technoline was bought by Vassallo’s Gateway in 2017 and passed onto Vitals Global Healthcare through a series of companies used as fronts for money laundering.

While on paper, Ivan Vassallo appeared as the owner of Technoline, Sladden and Hillman were inserted as shareholders in other companies, including Gateway Solutions, to be able to buy Technoline.

The money – €5 million to buy the medical supplies company – came directly from the hospitals’ concession, as Vitals Global Healthcare had no funds until it started receiving millions from the government. The Shift revealed this in January 2019.

Just after Technoline’s takeover was finalised, Vitals Global Healthcare issued an exclusive contract for the procurement of medical equipment for the hospitals’ concession, thus guaranteeing millions would be funnelled through this arrangement.

Hillman and Sladden were the secret business partners of Keith Schembri, heavily involved in the hospitals’ heist.”

And thus, dear readers, do not make the mistake to view Freemasons with objectivity, unless you want to go round and round the lodge, telling tales of high and lo.

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