The Rockefeller’s Influence – Standard Oil, Boeing and Delta

“The Rockefellers have divested much of their holdings into places which they control, but nominally they are not owners of. The Rockefellers’ financial power is far greater than the balance sheets would indicate. The Rockefellers can give donations from an organization which they control to another that they control, and not lose any control over the money.

The donations look impressive, but the Rockefeller bloodline hasn’t lost. Have you ever noticed that Rockefeller’s Standard Oil uses the satanic pentagram in a circle as their logo? Just three of countless Rockefeller companies are Texas Instruments and General Electric, and Eastman Kodak. The Rockefeller also control Boeing. This author (Fritz Springmeier) has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources about the occult activities that are being perpetrated at the Boeing Plants in the Seattle Area. Monarch programming has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. All these things fit together when one gets the bigger picture and the inside scoop. The Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized that the Delta symbol is a very widely used satanic symbol? Is it any wonder so many Illuminati and CIA, and world financiers, and people like Chuck Colson (see the exposes on Chuck Colson in 93’s newsletters) use Delta to fly on.”

Note: Boeing is one of the largest manufacturers of energy weapons and the aviation industry is heavily linked to satanism and child trafficking.

The Boeing whistleblower, Barnett, who supposedly killed himself reportedly told a close family friend not to believe it if it was announced he had committed suicide. Please watch here.
Delta logo images – all in the shape of a triangle. Some are also the pedophile (boy lovers) symbols
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