The Rockefeller Ruling Family – how do the selected 1984 receivers of grants operate? (4)

(6) They directly help control certain religious groups such as Lucis Trust: “David Rockefeller is part of Lucis Trust’s management. Lucis Trust puts out the book Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice Bailey which spells out The Plan for the Satanists and New Agers on how the spiritual Hierarchy (actually the demonic hierarchy) is to externalize their rule of the planet. The book gives quite a few of the details of the plan, and is used as a textbook for New Agers at the Arcane Schools in NY, London, and Europe on how the New Age/One World Religion/One-World-Government will be brought in. If anyone doubts the Rockefeller’s commitment to Satan, read page 107 of Externalization of the Hierarchy. On page 107, Alice Bailey, President of the Theosophical Society and part of Lucis (formerly Lucifer) Trust, tells us who will rule when the New Age (New World Order) takes over. On the Earthly level – humanity so to speak, the Ruler is given on page 107 as Lucifer. On the spiritual level – called ‘Shamballa – the Holy City’ the coming ruler is given as ‘the Lord of the World’ which we Christians know as Satan. Lucis Trust knows it is Satan too, but for the public consumption they say that the ‘ruler of the world’ is Sanat (a scrambling of Satan) Kumara. They also predict there will be a Christ Consciousness and the Christ (actually the Anti-Christ). The book Externalization of the Hierarchy teaches repeatedly (see pages 511-512, 514) that the 3 vehicles to bring in the New Age will be the Masonic Lodges, (obviously not everyone attends Lodges), next the Churches (this is clearly revealing to us that men like the Rockefellers are using the churches for the Luciferian plan of Lucis Trust), and finally Education (Well, of course education. Not everyone attends churches. They need a safety net to catch everyone in their brainwashing to make us all want to be happy slaves under the Light-bearer).

The home life of the Rockefellers is decidedly different than for most people. They have over 100 homes to stay at. The Rockefellers own vast tracts of good land in various countries in South America, and have nice homes in Brazil, Ecuador, and their Monte Sacro Ranch, Venezuela. They have two mansions in Washington, D.C. (at least), numerous ranches around the United States, resorts in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean, a 32-room 5th Ave duplex in N.Y., not to mention their place at Seal Harbour, Maine, and the large estate at Pocantico Hills, NY. It is estimated that they have 2,500 house servants. Over the years, they have built up the reputation of being miserly with their help, and to each other. (I couldn’t begin to know all about the Rockefellers, but I can give a sampling of some of the many items that surround the real lives of America’s top Illuminati family). Winthrop, who is homosexual, enjoyed living in Arkansas with his black male friend. He reportedly had the world’s largest porn collection. Winifred Rockefeller Emeny, Nelson’s cousin, murdered her two children and committed suicide. Michael Rockefeller died when he tried to bribe New Guinea tribesmen with large sums of money to go head hunt and make shrunken heads for him. The natives had given up head hunting and Michael couldn’t successfully bribe them. Finally getting tired of Michael, the natives decided to head hunt Michael himself!

Many of the Rockefeller family have had troubled lives, filled with all kinds of fears and occult activities. It is known that the Rockefellers have frequently built many hidden tunnels and hidden rooms onto their buildings. They have developed their occult and worldly powers to the point they consider themselves gods. Their powerful often suffer violent ritual death as most high level Satanists traditionally go through. One who died in Arizona is known to have been cremated.”

Notice the freemasonry symbol
Light, in Lucis Trust terms, refers to Satan. Notice the triangle which is upside down, as was already explained in a talk by Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel.
The book The Externalization of the Hierarchy.
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