The Rockefeller Ruling Family – how do the selected 1984 receivers of grants operate? (3)

(5) Their influence has contributed to various anti-Christian organizations being set up: “Maurice Strong is a good friend of the Rockefellers. He has been promoting Mother Gaia worship. David Rockefeller works with Maurice Strong and his New Age ideas. Reverend Moon from Korea has been very much loved by the Rockefellers. Moon calls himself Christ and is setting up a religion promoting internationalism. His religion is also a good testing ground for brainwashing/recruiting techniques that are being perfected by the NWO. The Rockefellers have been helping Moon, who also has his primary mansion in NY. Also of interest is that the prominent political figures that have endorsed Moon are those with ties to the NWO, and include Ted Kennedy, Mason Mark C. Hatfield, Mason Jesse Helms, and Illuminatus William F. Buckley, Jr (See pg. 32-33 of The Puppet Master by J. Isamu Yamamoto).

A lesser known group is the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship (SFF) in Independence, MO. Their address was Exec. Plaza, 10715 Winner Rd, 64052. They were founded in 1956. Just like Reverend Moon they claim to be Christians, but teach and practice other things. They teach and practice the occult. Two prominent men in SFF are Marcus Bach and Gardner Murphy. They both have interesting backgrounds. Marcus Bach shows the touch of the Rockefellers. Marcus Bach, born in 1906, is director of special projects for SFF. The Rockefeller Foundation granted him a fellowship in ‘research and creative writing’ from 1934-36.

Gardner Murphy was the consultant in 1950 for UNESCO in New Delhi to the Hindus of the Indian Ministry of Education. From ’52–68 he was director of research at the Menninger Foundation, Topeka, KS. (Yes, psychology is led mainly by occultists!) Menninger himself is a member of several environmental groups for the elite, an Honorary trustee of the Aspen Institute, a Freemason, member of ACLU, and a close associate of W. Clement Stone. W. Clement Stone in turn is also a Mason, a member of the occult American Society for Physical Research, and the financial backer of the Menninger Foundation. The Federal Council of Churches was financed to a large extent by Rockefeller money. In my Be Wise as Serpents book I detail how the FCC was designed to destroy Christianity, how they carefully plotted to make the creation of the FCC look like a grass roots movement, when it was actually the creation of the elite (Illuminati). I further detail how the men who ran it were high ranking Masons, Socialists, and One-Worlders. Also shown is how they carefully manipulated the real gospel for their own devious ends.”

The Mother Gaia movement, also found in the New Age Movement
Reverend Moon, who called himself ‘The Christ’
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