The Rockefeller Ruling Family – how do the selected 1984 receivers of grants operate? (1)

(1)They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United States need to operate: The Union Theological Seminary has operated from Rockefellder funds. *****UTS hasn’t been the only Protestant Seminary receiving Rockefeller funds, but it may be the best example of a seminary controlled by the Rockefellers. The Sealantic Fund stated under its purpose and activities, “Current interests are primarily Protestant theological education….***** The President of the Sealantic Fund when it operated was David Rockefeller, and Laurance (not Lawrence) S. Rockefeller was Vice-President. Steven C. Rockefeller was one of the trustees.

(2)They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate: Education influences the religious virtues of our people: In 1952, Congressman Eugene E. Cox headed up a committee that for the first time tried to uncover the Rockefeller’s (and other’s) foundations’ activities. For some reason, Cox encountered stiff opposition everywhere against his committee’s investigation, and the Congressman Carroll Reese, and his Counsel Rene Wormser attempted to continue the investigation. Rockefeller’s henchmen and newspapers did their best to destroy Congressman Reese. The Reese investigation was given only the barest minimum of time and little resources for their investigation. However, they were still able to uncover that beginning in the 1930s vast sums of money were spent in Education by the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. This money went to promote John Dewey, Marxism, a One-World-Government agenda, and Socialism. The foundations (principally the Rockefeller and Carnegie) stimulated two-thirds of the total endowment funding of all institutions of higher learning in America during the first third of this 20th century.

The NEA (National Education Assocation was largely financed by the Rockefeller/Carnegie foundations. A 1934 NEA report advised, ‘A dying laissez-faire must be completely destroyed and all of us, including the ‘owners,’ must be subjected to a large degree of social control.’ Reece Committee Counsel Rene Wormser wrote on the investigation, ‘….leads one to the conclusion that there was, indeed, something in the nature of an actual conspiracy among certain leading educators in the United States to bring about socialism through the use of our school systems…’ They discovered that the Rockefeller foundation was the primary culprit behind the teaching of socialism in America’s schools and universities and also behind the NEA’s policies. Rene Wormser, Counsel for the Reese Committee reported, ‘A very powerful complex of foundations and allied organizations has developed over the years to exercise a high degree of control over education. Part of this complex, and ultimately responsible for it, are the Rockefeller and Carnegie groups of foundations.’ This was the situation in the 1950s when the Reece Committee briefly investigated. The Rockefeller-Carnegie groups have continued basically unopposed for the next 40 years in controlling education. One of the educational book producers is Grolier, Inc. Avery Rockefeller-Carnegie Jr. sits on Grolier, Inc. board meetings. Another interesting board member is Theodore Waller who is the director of Grolier, Inc. He was a member of the International Book Committee of UNESCO. The Rockefellers maintain great influence in the United Nations.

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