The recall of walnuts and water but never of vaccines except AstraZeneca which they mandated you take

Two more recalls were reported lately.

One is “the voluntary recall of some of Gibson Farms’ Organic Light halves and pieced shelled walnuts,” which the company reported might be contaminated with Escherichia coli, the most common strain of bacteria to cause illness in people. This was in April. This month, FDA escalated this recall to a level 1 or class 1 threat, which means that there is a potential for serious injury or death after consuming such a product.

The other one happened in March. FDA “announced a recall of over 70,000 cases of Fiji Natural Artesian Water bottles over concerns that they were contaminated with manganese.” However, last week FDA issued an update, lowering the classification of this water bottle recall to Class III, which means that consumption of such water is not likely to cause adverse health consequences.

They should be recalling everything that we find on the shelves in stores. We are being poisoned.

It is a shame that the same FDA approved the COVID-19 Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and never recalled it, classifying it as Class I++ recall, meaning, that being administered such a vaccine will definitely cause death or a serious lifetime injury.

Never forget that they pulled the AstraZeneca shot off the market that they mandated you to take. Do not lose touch with how crazy this actually is. How people keep on trusting these drug companies that keep getting fined billions of dollars for fraud and poison is beyond me, just like it is beyond me how some people manage to find their way out of the birth canal.

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