The plan of the Elite with the ‘Black’ populations

Alan Watt: “Now there’s Al from New York there. Are you there, Al?

Al: Yes Alan. How you doing?

Alan: I’m surviving.

Al: Oh that’s good to hear. We need more people like you.

Alan: Yes. Do you have a question or a comment?

Al: I have both a comment and a question. Me, growing up as an African American male, I seem to think like the whole world is against Africans for some reason or these people in the top, they have a special thing for Africans or what’s going on? My other comment or my question is the nation of Islam. What do they have to do with the Masons? I know there is something not too right about them. As a young African American male, those are the only groups that I thought was telling the truth for long time until I listened to you and now realize that they weren’t telling the whole truth.

Alan: Yes. That’s how you get people to follow. You tell them a good part of the truth and fill in a lot of little blanks for them and then you withhold another little part because one day you’ll use them when they become useful, generally in conflict scenarios. Britain is a great example by keeping — they kept Northern Ireland in a state for centuries, 500 years. Canada ,which is still run by Britain, kept Montreal in a separate state. They can rile them up every so often when they want internal conflict, so they always create a situation where they can use racial conflict, religious conflict, ethnic conflicts or even language conflicts if need be, and anything at all they can stir up and get people fighting each other. Then they come forward with laws which restrict everyone and get them further ahead with their agenda. Now Africa, it’s absolutely true from the 1700’s they were writing about the future of Africa because they pictured people who were economists, big economists for the British Crown and who advised diplomats, in the diplomatic corps for London to do with trading and so on. They had all the different races marked out in order of preference for being saved for a future society and John Stewart Mill and then his son who took over both said that the blacks who could mimic the white man’s ways would be allowed to survive. Those who would not would have to perish or be eliminated. Hang on and we’ll talk about more after this break.

Hi folks. Alan Watt back with Cutting Through the Matrix and we’re talking to Al from New York on what the plans were by the elite to do with the black populations. As I say, that really was all categorized in the lists that big economists made in the 1700’s and 1800’s for the British establishment because Britain at that time was building a massive world empire. The U.S. took over from them to complete the whole organization and it is the Anglo-American Establishment as Quigley called it, but they categorized different people. You’ll find in H.G. Wells as well in a two-part history of the world that he wrote, called ‘History of the World,’ his son actually finished it off for him because he died in ’48 so it was published in about 1950 in two volumes, but H.G. Wells also had this same category as John Stewart Mill with the certain whites at the top. They brought in what they thought were Jews because those who survived through persecutions through centuries and prospered had proven their Darwinian right basically to help and survive to help this other elite. They put down the Irish because the Irish kept rebelling against that particular system and the blacks and American Indians down as a write off. They would be written off and not allowed into a new age because under the Darwinian type laws that existed in the Brotherhood before Darwin came along, his grandfather actually wrote the first book on it, they said if they were allowed to come in to the new world, this new era, they would by the Darwinian type laws bring down the superior ones. It says those who could adapt, the few who could adapt to the white man’s economic system and mimic him would be allowed to survive and that really hasn’t changed today. These guys at the top are utterly racist and they use populations and they will annihilate populations if their usefulness is then over even.

Al: Alan, so you’re saying they’re not only racist but they adapted Egyptians or Africans way of keeping people minds but they use it — it’s like they use the same thing that they use against their descendants. I mean is it that way or is it like more the concept of race like Herodotus described people by the way they looked, tribes. Who came up with that concept of race? When did that come around?

Alan: It’s very difficult to know. I know that from the earliest times of definitely even commerce, the commercial system that brought in money even before it was coined and it was actually weighed out, commerce brought that system with them. Commerce was there almost simultaneously with kings, the society of kings and sovereigns who then married into their own family in fact. Even the commoners below them of the same species were deemed inferior, so it seemed to be something that came in with this advent of wealth. Wealth no longer being oats and stuff that you could eat or even tools, but wealth being what someone at sometime invented — this substitute for real wealth or real estate, which is called money or gold or silver that you could weight out. That brought this entire system with it and even then they noticed that certain people and certain tribes didn’t need that system and would not adapt to it. They were perfectly independent and today they call them and the sociologists and ethnologists will call them today ‘stagnant civilizations’ because they will not adapt to the white man’s silly neurotic, psychotic,
dysfunctional way of working, earning money and then being dependent on the system, so they’re called ‘arrested civilizations’ or ‘stagnant civilizations’ because they’re completely independent. That’s one of the reasons they want to kill off anyone who really wants to be independent and whole peoples who are still independent. That’s their arch-enemy really.

Al: Alan, my phone is going dead but I have one last question. Like the old Mexicans in Central America and the Mayans, they tried to have the same systems as the [inaudible] systems and control the populations, so was that their downfall? They just got overthrown by the regular–

Alan: In Latin America I think a lot of the peoples who eventually brought in the technology to design, the sciences to design, showed the pyramids and so on, showed an understanding and you’ll find that there were even professors in the United States that belonged to Harvard. Barry Fell was one of them who discovered that Egyptian contact with Latin America and the Eastern seaboard of the Americas had happened thousands of years ago and they actually found Egyptian writings and ancient Iranian writings in Algonquin Park here in Canada. The CBC did I think a six-part documentary special on that where definitely the priests were here, so I think they brought the technology with them. I also think that some people who ran the seas at those times, big traders, probably the Phoenicians, transported whole peoples into Latin America. However, I think the people eventually who ran the big civilizations in Latin America left, to be honest with you, and those who had been brought in to serve them were left and they didn’t have the sciences to keep it all going. That’s what I suspect. They almost mimicked what they’d seen happen to do with sacrifices and so on, but they couldn’t really explain it as to why they did it. Someone taught them at one time but I think they probably pulled out. They definitely had contact. “America
B.C.” People should try and get that book “America B.C.” by Professor Barry Fell, excellent one to read. There’s another couple he made as well on that topic and the big boys don’t want to even talk about it, even though they’ve found coins that were minted in ancient Rome on the eastern seaboard. They found different coins of different countries going back 2,000 years. It’s a very interesting topic.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting through the Matrix, 2007]

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