The Freeing of Julian Assange – it’s another psyop!

Times of Malta gave us the news that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was released from prison on Monday, looking truly as if he was on holiday and not in prison, and has left Britain, “as he reached a landmark plea deal with US authorities” that brought to an end this saga.

Assange “had been detained in Britain for five years as he fought extradition to the United States which sought to prosecute him for revealing military secrets.”

Julian Assange is his stage name, by the way. His real name is Julian Paul Hawkins. He is described on Wikipedia as an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded Wikileaks in 2006, a non-profit media organisation and publisher of leaked documents, funded by donations and media partnerships. The words non-profit and funded by media partnerships should already be raising eyebrows. Do you know who Wikileaks sister companies are? They are none other than The New York Times, The Telegraph, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Transparency Toolkit and YesLab.

Wikileaks has published classified documents and other media provided by anonymous sources. Who are these sources? Who gave the nod from the top for these documents and other media to be given to the public?

Assange’s name then became a common factor on various outlets, including those who claim to be counter-opposition to the narrative, but which, truly, are also controlled and not alternative at all. Such an example is that of the New Ager David Icke, which this site will also write about in a future piece. Icke and many others are just shills and this site will continue to expose them for educational purposes so that people can understand the difference between disinformation and real information.

Here is David Icke speaking up in favour of Assange. Everything is connected, dear readers:

Assange is another shill. “He came to international attention in 2010 after WikiLeaks published a series of leaks from Chelsea Manning, a former United States Army intelligence analyst: footage of a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad, U.S. military logs from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and U.S. diplomatic cables. Assange has won multiple awards for publishing and journalism.”

Please read and analyse Times of Malta’s article and recognise how this media gives you the story in a way that you don’t become suspicious. And it is with this hindsight, that you should become suspicious.

These type of events are planned decades in advance with the primary purpose to keep us distracted, to keep us trapped, while eliciting a very specific emotional reaction among us serfs. Always remember, dear readers, that they will only put on the news and the mainstream media what they allow you to hear, see, read, and believe, and not the real information.

In upcoming pieces, I will elaborate more on this so that the picture becomes clearer for you.

X (Formerly Twitter)