The decolonization of a capitalist patriarchy which is causing violence towards women

Let us keep on diving deeper into the patriarchy, that is, a society controlled by men, a problem which has been and still is causing violence towards women. No, it’s not misogyny. It’s patriarchy because we live in societies controlled by men.

In another piece, we have seen how Sir Francis Bacon influenced science and the economy. Expanding the whole picture of the patriarchy, Sir Francis Bacon was friend with yet another man John Locke, an English philosopher and physician who wrote on governance and is widely regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers – that is the period of the Enlightened ones. He is also commonly known as the “father of liberalism.” He followed the tradition of Sir Francis Bacon and is considered one of the first of the British empiricists.

And then both were friends with yet another influential man – Thomas Hobbes, another English philosopher and who is considered as one of the founders of modern political philosophy.

All three were influential in the formulation of social contract theory. All three wrote patriarchal treatises.

Thomas Hobbes stated that you cannot have people governing themselves and so, one needs a centralized, strong state. John Locke stated that property is created by mixing labour with nature. This labour has nothing to do with the labour of women, or the labour of the serf, or the labour of the animal which works the land. But, it is about the spiritual labour of the ones who own the woman, who own the serf, and who own the animal.

This is a violent process of a war against life itself, a war against women, and war against the future. How can it be decolonized? The key issues here are superiority and separation, false assumptions which need to be addressed and removed. It is false to assume that we are separate from nature and that men are the powerful masters of nature. It is false to assume that men are in charge of our future. All the violence that we see around the world today has to do with the rising of the false idea of superiority.

And so the time is now for true womanhood to rise because we, women, do not need sympathy, favours or empowerment. We are not the chosen weaklings that need to be strengthened because suddenly men portray us so. We have the power in us and this power can be expressed without some patriarch giving us a little favour and saying “We are working in favour of women” or “We are working for greater empowerment of women.” No. We have the power already.

And so the time is now to recognise the superiority’s structures of domination – a merging of patriarchy and capitalism. The capitalist patriarchy is the source of many significant issues that women face today. Women are seen as a second sex. Since women are the backbone of any economy, it completely ignores their potential for productivity and contributions to the economy.

Furthermore, the apparatus that supports women’s politics and their power in nonviolent politics is built to continuously deprive women of their authority. And the way I see it, the modern economy is like this enormous Titanic. Additionally, it is sinking. Shall we attempt to seize the opportunity and ask for a little table on the sinking ship? Or do we respond, “No,” adding that we have a lot of rowboats and lifeboats and that we’re going to save those who are sinking in addition to forging a new route for ourselves?

For long, women were told to live by a certain mold and it is time to break it.

Dear women, share your knowledge. Don’t wait until you think you are “perfect” to impact others. Instead, impact others while on your journey of growth because you are and you will always be perfect in your imperfections.

Dear women, allow yourselves to be work in progress, faith in progress, and a woman who helps other people grow. Do not wait for the patriarchy and its products to deem you perfect to impact others.

Dear women, live your truth; share your enthusiasm; take action towards your dreams; walk the talk!

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