The Bundestag decriminalizes child pornography possession turning Europe into a pedo-Eutopia

“First there was the introduction of gender fluid and LGBT ideology into public schools, then there were sexualized drag queen performances for children, then leftist activists demanded that pedophiles be referred to as ‘MAPS’ (Minor Attracted Persons) because ‘they can’t help who they are attracted to,’ then California passed a law reducing charges for adults engaged in sexual relations with minors.

Now, the German Parliament has forwarded a bill that makes possession and distribution of child pornography a misdemeanor instead of a felony, greatly reducing diminishing possible penalties.

According to the Bundestag (Parliament), the bill stipulates that ‘possession and acquisition should be punishable with a minimum penalty of three months’ imprisonment, and distribution with a minimum penalty of six months’ imprisonment, and distribution with a minimum penalty of six months’ imprisonment. The offenses regulated in Section 184b of the Criminal Code are therefore classified as misdemeanors and not as crimes.'”

Please read the whole article here.

The Fourth Reich continues to make governments turn full on progressive.

The Fourth Reich continues to speak. Europe is now turning into a pedo-Eutopia.

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