The biggest psychodrama we have had in history

“Hi folks I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix on January 31, 2021. I hope again as always that you’re still hanging in there through the chaos and the madness, and the insane asylum that’s become the planet.  Not by chance of course but by design [Alan chuckles.] and by lots of planning.  Because we’re living through the biggest, truly the biggest psychodrama I think we’ve had in history.

All wars, for instance, have much more to do with the building up of wars then you’re ever told in history books, at least in the time, if you live through it at that particular time in history. 100 years later they’ll tell you all the added things they didn’t bother telling the previous generation that went through it, of how things were built up and designed, and how countries wanted to get into wars and things like that for long-term goals and agendas which they never tell the public at the time.  They always tell you that it’s something very simple, you know, that man over there, rattling the saber, and we rattled ours, and the war started and nonsense like that.

It takes years to plan wars. Again, just like today you’ve always had what they call a deep state today, that’s the modern terminology for it, for those that really manage the world, on behalf of the Masters, the dominant minority that basically own it.  I’ve been through these talks many times in the past, the dominant minorities, and the helping group of professionals and scientific group that manages it on behalf, THEY MANAGE IT ALL ON BEHALF OF THE DOMINANT MINORITY as Aldous Huxley talked about and others too.  So, they tell you, as I say, the simple fairy stories for wars and causes of wars and so on. 

We truly live through lies our whole life long, and in all kinds of areas in fact. It’s like unemployment levels, you’ve all been through it in every country, and statistics.  You know, like FDR said, THERE ARE LIES, DAMN LIES, AND THEN THERE ARE STATISTICS.  Because with statistics managing all kinds of problems, in order to explain the problems through deception, they’re fantastic for deceiving the public. They’re awfully well done and lots of cons involved. Again, as I say, you can get degrees in areas like that, that deal with statistics, etc. Because government uses departments of statistics all the time in all kinds of areas, you see, to tell you, you’ve got the best healthcare system in the worldyou’ve got the best financial system and your own stats proved blah, blah, blah, and stats prove that unemployment is down.  You know all this nonsense as they juggle the unemployed on the welfare rolls, and then on to retraining roles, and temporary retraining roles, and then back onto the dole again.  This has been going on your whole life long.  You live through such deception. 

Again, if it wasn’t for all the massive entertainment we get, people would have more time to think and complain about it, so it’s a great thing. The more you’re deceived in fact and the worse things become, the more entertainment you get, really cheap entertainment. That’s not by chance.  Especially when you see the billions of dollars that governments have used of our tax money to support mainstream media, that used to be called newspapers at one time, and now they have their sites instead of having the actual paper itself. It’s the same company, same corporations owned by the same moguls, which are really maintained by the government because no one reads them anymore, except through crisis.

The Covid the agenda is awfully good for creating crisis and folk dive into the papers to try to find out what’s going on, you see. They’re deceived even more naturally because they’re all on board with the same one agenda.  So it doesn’t matter what you look up, you’ll find all kinds of authorships, but you’ll see the same handouts given to the press that are just exactly the same ones handed out by governments and it’s printed straight into the newspapers. Or the WHO for that matter.  Or one of the many organizations that is owned and funded by Bill Gates, as an example.  That’s how you buy news, you create it. [Alan chuckles.]   You create it by owning the companies that put it out. It’s quite simple, isn’t it?

But the public again, they lose their sensibilities through fear and a terror campaign, a campaign of terror upon the people through media propaganda. And by using Behavioral Insights Teams and psychologists and the SAGE units.  They already gave handouts to the journalists last year, remember, which were printed in the newspapers, in some newspapers, by the journalists that were given these handouts by the team that was to advise them on the how to put stories across to the public. They were told to EXAGGERATE THE STORIES, GIVE BAD NEWS, ETC., IN ORDER TO CREATE ANXIETY, TO RAISE ANXIETY WITHIN THE POPULATION SO THAT THE PEOPLE WOULD COMPLY. Isn’t that astonishing?  Your tax money funds this kind of stuff.

Do you think it just suddenly stopped? It didn’t stop. It just got worse.  That’s what you’re living through.  It’s a big agenda because the whole world is to be changed by this agenda. They couldn’t get the Martians from space to invade us to bring us all together, like, you know, Ronald Reagan used to quip about sometimes in his speeches.  They used to give you, again, statistics of how many times he mentioned that in his speeches, IF ONLY WE WERE INVADED FROM AN OUTSIDE FORCE, YOU KNOW, WE’D ALL HAVE TO COME TOGETHER TO FIGHT IT, THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD BE AT PEACE UNIFIED TO FIGHT SOMETHING ELSE RATHER THAN FIGHT EACH OTHER.  You had the same thing with Mackenzie King in Canada who said it in the 1940s, the exact same speech. I’ve got it here somewhere, it’s actually a newspaper clip from the time that someone had sent me.  It’s not a copy of it, it’s an actual newspaper clip. He said the same thing. This has been an old agenda, you understand, over and over you have the same thing cropping up, if only, if only, if only.”

[Alan Watt, Cutting Through the Matrix, January 2021]

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